Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I May Be Nuts...

But I can't eat them! This weekend we found out the hard way that I (Josiah) am allergic to peanuts. I got to eat those yummy Rice Krispie Treats with the peanut butter in them and the chocolate/butterscotch icing. It was so good! Unfortunately about 30 minutes after I had it I started coughing and then wheezing. Daddy and Mommy took me to the Emergency Room where they gave me some shots and made me take some other medicines. The doctor then told me that I had to stay overnight in the hospital. Daddy and Mommy say that I was a really good boy through it all.

Here is a picture of me and Daddy in the emergency room:
This is me in a really big bed in the middle of the night:Don't I look sad in this one:Here is my first ankle bracelet. Daddy and Mommy kept saying things like, "I hope this isn't an indication of his future..." I don't know what that means, or why they would think I would need an ankle bracelet later on in my life. I still don't know what it was for, just that every time I went near the door to get to the rest of the hospital I'd hear an alarm.The good news is that I'm ok now. My brother and I are both going to see a pediatric allergist at the beginning of August. Oh yeah, we also have these really funny pens in our diaper bag. Mommy says they have medicine in them in case it ever happens again, but she never wants to have to use them. I don't think I want her to use them, either!

ABCs and 1-2-3s

Since we're two now, we decided we should talk and learn and show Daddy and Mommy all that we know. Here are videos of us doing our ABCs and 123s. Well, it's really me (Jonathan) doing them and my brother being practicing his acting skills - he's pretending he's shy.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Two Floats, Coming Right Up!

Here are the real videos of us. We had to post some on blogger so that Daddy could see our big accomplishments from his computer at work (we don't understand why they would block YouTube). Here are better quality videos of us swimming this morning. Oh yeah - and today was a big day for me (Jonathan) since it was the first day that I went potty in an actual potty. Mommy was so proud of me! If you don't want to watch all 6 (we think they're all good), you can watch the first one of each of us to get the idea.

We wish Miss Cari was here to see us swim...we like Miss Heather just as much, but we miss Cari. She did so much of the really hard work with us (and we cried through most of the lessons with her until the very end) but didn't get to help us to the final product. We hope she's watching and will let us come and swim with her when she gets back!!

Jonathan's videos:

Here I am swimming and doing the infamous swim-float-swim sequence. First is a picture of me in my swimming clothes - including a 'normal' diaper. Those things hold a TON of water!! Then Miss Heather flips me and I re-orient myself and do my thing!

This one is me going off the edge of the pool, as if I were falling in. Notice how I look underwater for Miss Heather and then re-direct where I'm going.

This video is me with an amazingly long float. I really didn't float that much until this week. Check it out! And yes, I cried, because it was HARD work and I was tired!!

Here are Josiah's videos:
The first is Miss Heather flipping me over and me re-orienting and then swimming back to her. Sometimes I get disoriented and then scared, but I did great today!

Here I am going over the edge!

My last video is me touching the bottom of the pool and then coming up and getting to the float position. The second half is me getting the coat off of my face and then floating.

A Big Day for Swimming!!

Here are some videos from our swimming today - we wore long sleeve shirts, sweat pants, socks, tennis shoes, and coats. Mommy will put better quality videos on later...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 35 ISR

Yes, we've completed yet one more week of swimming lessons! We're on the 8th week (with a one week break)...but who's counting?! Mommy is impressed with the progress we've made this week. We're both getting good at all parts of the sequence - swimming, floating, flipping, and rolling back. Here are our videos:



Here are our swimming buddies at lessons. On Friday we lost track of Turtle and we found him in a funny place! Jonathan is getting good at diving for the crab - it looks like he's being held, but he really just floats and can't reach Crab if someone doesn't 'help' him...

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Bye Bye, Dog!

I know we just posted pictures of the doggies, but we had to put one more of George up! Every time we leave the house or go upstairs we like to say, "Bye Bye Dog!" I (Josiah) especially like this little routine. Well, yesterday we said "Bye Bye Dog" to George, and when we came back from our nap he was gone! Daddy and Mommy let Aunt Mary have him because she wants a dog. She is going to keep him and we get to visit him, and he'll still visit us, too. So far Chloe hasn't seemed to miss him at all. In fact, she has been obeying and playing and generally been enjoying being the 'only dog.' We don't feel like we really gave him away since we'll still see him a lot, but I think we'll still miss him a little. So it's not really Bye bye, Dog, as much as see you later... :)

Freaky Friday?!

Here is our update from Friday's lessons! We did better on Thursday overall, but you can still see the progress we've made this week. We had a bit of a "freaky Friday" because we decided to 'switch' personalities to confuse the adults. I (Jonathan) cried for part of my lesson...while my brother was mostly happy! Here are a couple of pictures and videos (isn't Mommy getting better at editing our videos?!).

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Birthday Splash Play Date

Today we had a big play date with our friends to celebrate our birthday. We hope everyone had lots of fun - we did! Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate! Hopefully someone else's mommy took pictures, because we don't have very many. Here is a video (that includes some pictures, too).

Birthday Play Date #1

Monday was our actual birthday! Since we had our party on Sunday, Mommy took us to our friend's house for a play date with them. We played with Isaac and Nolan for most of the afternoon. We had lots of fun coloring - mostly on our papers... Sometimes on ourselves:
But most importantly with our friends!

Happy Birthday to Us!

On Sunday we got up and found these chairs set up downstairs waiting for us! It turns out they are a present from Daddy and Mommy and Grandma and Grandpa Chang for our birthday! We knew it was going to be a good day when we came down and saw these...

Josiah: I'm such a big boy in my own chair.
Jonathan: I like this, but I'm not sure if I like it better than the couch...
Josiah: What happened???
J and J: Yeah, these are ok.

2nd Birthday Party!

On Sunday afternoon we had our birthday party with our family and "adopted" grandparents who live out here. It was so much fun! There was lots of great food and we had a whole bunch of our favorite people in one place! Not only did we get together and eat, but everyone brought us gifts! Here are some pictures of us enjoying our new toys and having fun opening the gifts.

Aunt Mary gave us a basketball hoop just our size! Mommy says that this may be the only basketball we ever get to dunk...Josiah is already practicing being a ball hog! Jonathan: Look, Mom, a watering can! (I bet you'll see these later...)Jonathan: What does it say, Mom??

Jonathan and Josiah: Hey - Look at us with our watering cans and backpacks!
Nana and Poppa got us bikes! They're real two-wheel bikes with training wheels. We aren't quite sure of how they work, but we're figuring it out! Don't we look like big boys on the bikes?

Here's a picture of our shiny new bike...and Grandma making a face in the background.

Cake Time!

Here are the pictures of the second part of our party - eating cake!
Daddy and Mommy got this cake for all the big people - but we got to keep the toys! It was a win-win situation! Here we are as people are singing to us. We really love that "Happy Birthday" Song!
Here's a familiy picture, complete with watering cans!
Josiah: MMMMMM...Cupcakes are yummy!
Jonathan: I'm supposed to do what with all of this??
Josiah: I think there is still some frosting on the bottom...

Jonathan: MMMMMM...Cupcake wrappers!!
Jonathan: I love you Aunt Debbie!
Josiah: I love you, too, Aunt Debbie!
After we got done with our cupcakes we had our traditional Birthday Bath. Here is Jonathan with Mommy:
And here is another family picture - with Grandma, too! I (Josiah) was sad to leave my watering can behind...

Cute Pics

Here are a couple of cute pictures of us. Aunt Mary came up to spend time with us on Saturday and Mommy had to get the camera out because we were being so adorable. Here I (Jonathan) am: Here is Josiah and Aunt Mary:
And these are pictures of our doggies...Chloe:
And George:We don't know what happened to George. Suddenly he's not afraid of the camera anymore. He just sat there and let Mommy take this picture. Daddy and Mommy say that they miss the 'old' George, but we're not sure why they say that. We love George just the way he is!