Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Friday, July 21, 2006

Cute pics

These are some pics I took a couple of days ago - the boys at 19 days old.Jonathan (left) and Josiah (right) both looking content.
Jonathan (L) and sleepy Josiah (R)
Josiah just wants to go to sleep.

Jonathan with a smile on his face...though not purposefully smiling yet, it's still cute!


No, these are not my current measurements, or the combination to a safe where we hold all things valuable. :) (We don't even have a safe anymore.)

37...this is a picture of me at one day before 37 weeks, two days before the babies arrived... 40...this is me at what would have been 40 weeks (aka due date), yesterday...
36...the number of pounds I've lost in less than 3 weeks!!! I still can't fit into my regular shorts and pants, but I can fit into a lot of my pre-pregnancy tops. The pants are a little tight since my shape is different now - hopefully as the rest of the baby remnants melt away the shape will return. :)

Our First "Official" Photos

Here are the links to our first "official" photos, taken at the hospital before we were discharged. Feel free to look and sign our guest books...they will be there for a limited time only. :)



Jonathan and Josiah

Monday, July 17, 2006

2 Weeks and counting!

We've made it past the two week mark! Here are some pics we took last Friday...on the boys' two week birthday! Josiah (L) Jonathan (R)
Josiah (L) Jonathan (R)
Jonathan (L) Josiah (R)

Jonathan (top) Josiah (bottom)

We're still attempting to get on a schedule - some nights are better than others for that. They are both good babies. They just like to fuss at opposite times to keep Mommy and Daddy up as much as possible. :) We are loving every minute with them and thank God every day for these two little miracles that He's given to us.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

What's been going on...

It's Sunday and we're all at home! It has been a traumatic week for Mommy. :(

Babies are doing great! We had our first pediatrician appointment on Thursday and got a good report. No problems and they're both healthy and happy!

I noticed over the course of the week that the swelling I had was not getting better, but progressively worse. I started developing other 'strange' symptoms, so went to the doctor on Friday. At the doctor's office they found that my blood pressure was really high, so the doctor told me he wanted me admitted to the hospital immediately. That was horrible! It was hard enough to leave the house without the boys to go to the appointment, let alone hearing that I was to spend an undetermined amount of time away from them.

I was admitted on Friday and they started treatment for preeclampsia (you can get it after giving birth, as well as before). After doing some blood tests, they ruled out preeclampsia, as the other signs and symptoms of it weren't there. They decided to look into heart issues, but nothing conclusive was found there, either. So the doctor thinks it's pregnancy induced hypertension, and I was able to come home on Saturday - with blood pressure medicines and the promise that I'd stay off my feet and just rest.

It was wonderful to come home to my babies! I've been trying to rest as much as possible, but it's hard to let everyone else care for the boys when I feel like I could be doing it. I am checking my blood pressure at home and go back to the doctor's office on Monday for them to check it. If it's starts to get out of control again they'll have to admit me to the hospital...again.

Please pray for me as I'm trying to follow the doctor's orders. Pray the medications will work and I won't have to go back to the hospital.

Jonathan and Josiah are wonderful - we'll post pics soon!! We can't believe they're already over a week old now!!

Thanks for your love and prayers!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Coming Home

Here we are all packed up to leave the hospital. Hooray! It's our first ride in our car seats!

George and Chloe couldn't wait to meet Jonathan and Josiah. Right now they don't have "couch privileges", but hopefully when Jen recovers a bit more, they can have more play time together.
When the boys are crying behind a closed door, George and Chloe sit right by the door to see just what is going on.
...We're all tuckered out! It's good to be home though.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Family Visits

Twins holding this cool or what? This is Mark and his sister Mary holding Jonathan and Josiah.

Watchout, Grandpa Wohlford...don't drop 'em!

Here Grandma Wohlford show him how you hold onto both at once!

Auntie Deb meets her nephew for the first time. Which one is she holding? You can be the judge.

Proud Grandpa and Grandma Chang.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Details, Details...

Sorry about the last post with no text - here are the details!

Friday morning at 8:27 a.m. Jonathan Mark made his grand debut into the world! He weighed 5 lbs. 13 oz., and was 18 inches long. Three minutes later his brother appeared (after trying to elude the doctors). Josiah David weighed 5 lbs. and measured 18 inches long also.

The procedure went fine - no problems at all. We had a team of two doctors, one anesthesiologist, a neo-natal doctor, a nurse for each baby and a nurse for me, and maybe one or two others in the operating room as well. Mark was able to cut both umbilical cords short. Both babies were head down when we started, but Josiah decided to flip to a transverse position after his brother left him some space. It was a blessing that we did the c-section from the beginning.

The story we'll tell people to embarass our children for the rest of their lives is that Jonathan's first response to the world was to stick out his tongue, and Josiah's reaction was to pee on the doctor!

Babies, Daddy, and Mommy are all doing well. If things continue this way, we'll be able to all go home together on Monday!

More pics to come...