Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Friday, July 21, 2006


No, these are not my current measurements, or the combination to a safe where we hold all things valuable. :) (We don't even have a safe anymore.)

37...this is a picture of me at one day before 37 weeks, two days before the babies arrived... 40...this is me at what would have been 40 weeks (aka due date), yesterday...
36...the number of pounds I've lost in less than 3 weeks!!! I still can't fit into my regular shorts and pants, but I can fit into a lot of my pre-pregnancy tops. The pants are a little tight since my shape is different now - hopefully as the rest of the baby remnants melt away the shape will return. :)


Blogger Tara said...

Can I burst your bubble? I hope it is different for you, but after a c-section those muscles are never the same! I've been at pre-pregnancy weight after just a few months with most of my babies, but that prepregnancy shape is still eluding me! Isn't it nice to be able to breathe though? :)

12:55 PM  
Blogger Buck and Jess! said...

You look phenomenal! (I have no idea how to spell that word, but you so look it :o) It is unfathomable that you had twins 3 weeks ago! I'm curious--I don't know who Tara is, but she said "most of my babies." Just how many babies does she have? :o)

1:42 PM  

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