Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Saturday, June 24, 2006

To C or Not to C (Section)

Yesterday (Friday) was our dr. appointment - we're officially at 36 weeks+ now! Yea! We were having a nice discussion with the dr. about setting up our c-section because one baby is in the 'wrong' position to do a natural delivery. He had the paperwork out and everything, and then decided to do one more ultrasound to verify positions. Wouldn't you know it - baby B switched his position again and is head down. We watched the dr. tear up the scheduling paper and throw it in the waste basket. There were kind of mixed emotions about it - I know that it's best for the babies to stay in and cook as long as possible, but also it was nice to have an actual end in sight (or beginning, however you may choose to look at it) for those few brief moments. So now we wait. The good news is that I've gone the entire pregnancy with no dr.-imposed bedrest. Now I have no restrictions, and we can deliver these little guys any time they want to come! I was up walking around more yesterday, and even tried jumping up and down a little bit - Mark didn't think that was funny. I don't know why...

Pray for us to have healthy babies in God's timing...and that we'd be patient to wait for it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

36 weeks is REMARKABLE!!! Congratulations! You're doing so good. Keep it up!

9:57 AM  
Blogger Buck and Jess! said...

I can just see you jumping up and down (and Mark's reaction :o) I can't even remember all the goofy things I tried to go into labor with Caelan. One of the nicest was walks on San Clemente evenings--it was Christmastime and all the houses were lit up--ahhh, lovely!

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JenJen!! Jolynne told me you were pregnant with twins this weekend and I had to see for myself! And sure enough- she isn't a liar! Good lord you are big! And I feel your pain on the swelling thing. With my first one I started swelling at 5 months and I don't think I stopped until two weeks after he got here. Hopefully the next one (I'm currently incubating baby 2 right now) won't be as bad. Good luck to you and your babies! I'm so very excited for you. (And yes- take those naps while you can!) *big Libby hugs* Welcome to the Mommy club!

7:01 AM  

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