Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Puff the Pregnant Woman...

So it's been a week or so since I've updated. I have a picture to post, but I'm too lazy (and big) to get up and download it to the computer. We're now at 35 1/2 weeks and STILL pregnant! Yea. Last week was the first week that felt like pregnancy isn't quite so fun. I've tried to spend a lot of time on the couch over the past week, but it was really busy. Our appointments all went fine, and I even got to be in on a surprise baby shower for Mark and I hosted by his classmates! That was fun for me since Mark doesn't like surprises and I never get to surprise him. (He didn't mind this surprise, though!)

However, due to my size and condition, I'm starting to blow up - and not just in my abdominal region. Sunday we were going to go to church, but after being up for 1 1/2 hours my feet looked like little over-inflated balloons. So Mark's first Father's Day was spent at home taking naps on and off all day. I suppose it's appropriate since we won't be able to do that for a long time after the babies get here. Anyway, the swelling is starting to impede my preferred lifestyle now. I guess self-imposed bedrest is better than dr.-imposed bedrest!

On the baby front, both babies are still growing! We had another bio-physical profile this morning, along with measurements. We had a different ultrasound tech than we've had before, and we aren't quite sure if her measurements were as accurate. Regardless, the babies are growing, and I'm still feeling them move a LOT. Baby A (Chitty Chitty Chang) is head down and Baby B (Bang Bang Chang) is breech, so it looks like we'll be scheduling a c-section when I go for my dr. appointment this week.

My plans for this week are to lay low and keep my extremities from reaching exponential proportions!


Blogger Buck and Jess! said...

Hey I talked to Rissa yesterday and her c is scheduled for June 29--there's something to shoot for! Two ex-roommies, both nurses having boys by c-section on the same day, crazy stuff! Her baby's name is to be Brody (or Brodie, didn't get the spelling) :o)

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're doing well! A scheduled c-section isn't that bad. I've had two and would be happy to talk about it! Keep it up! I know 35 weeks is more than super to keep those little guys in. You're doing so great!
Keep up the fluids and try to get as much rest now, you know you won't get as much when they get here! Do we have names yet???

1:11 PM  

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