Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Dear Babies A & B

Dear babies,

We love you very much. You are already loved by many, and a blessing to your mommy and daddy. We have enjoyed getting to watch you grow inside via ultrasound pics and feel you moving around in there. We like that you "play" with us when we poke at you, and that you listen to us reading to you every night.

We are so thankful that you are healthy, that all your parts are being formed perfectly, and that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. We're glad to still feel you move in there. Every day. And every night. And in the afternoon. And waking me up in the middle of the night.

If you want to be very good babies, you will listen to Mommy now. It's time to move on. I know you're comfy in there, and still turn yourselves into all sorts of positions, but it's time to leave. Mommy's ribs can't take it anymore. Nor can her bladder. And her tummy is now measuring what a 'singleton' pregnancy would be considered as 6 weeks overdue! That's just wrong.

Mommy can't sit forward, lay on her side, sit up, or lay down very long. She can't drive, run, walk, skip, or jump (without looking foolish, anyway). Mommy knows that she's taking care of you inside, but please give her a chance to take care of you on the outside. Daddy wants to hold you, too. Give him a chance to take care of you. We promise that we'll do our best to be good parents to you. Grandma is beside herself waiting for you - she just wants to hold and cuddle and spoil you. Grandpa has offered to buy you ponies. Don't you want a pony??? You just have to COME OUT!

So, as loving parents, our first official act is to serve your eviction notice. If you don't come out, we will come in after you. Remember, we're doing this because we love you. Please don't make us do this the hard way. It really will hurt Mommy more than it will hurt you.

Come out and play with us soon. We love you very much - more than you can know!

Mommy and Daddy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. I always tell people that the eviction notice is signed and dated X, the date of the scheduled c-section! The end is in sight. You can do it! Now, go bake something...

12:50 PM  
Blogger Buck and Jess! said...

Fantastic! I needed that laugh--you rock Little Jen!

2:54 PM  
Blogger the isaacs said...

ahh yes, getting evicted from the mommy son was to be evicted by way of induction, but he would have none of that and came several hours earlier on his own...he he he. Love the letter! thanks for the laugh! Can't wait to "meet" these little guys through the wonders of blogging...will pray for a safe delivery and babies' & mommy's health!

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's frickin' hilarious and needs to be printed out and put in a baby book.

9:45 PM  
Blogger Virginia Living said...

Praise God for early babies! I remember having that same conversation with Isaac when I was in the emergency room at 36 weeks on narcotics for my aching back. He listened, but not until 2 weeks later.

4:55 AM  

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