Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Nolan!

This week we got to go to Nolan's house to celebrate his birthday with him! He is now a big boy at age 2, like us. Mommy kept trying to get us to say, "Happy Birthday, Nolan!" but the best we could come up with was, "Happy Nolan!" We played, had snacks, went to the playground, and played some more. We had a fun time partying with our friends. Thanks for inviting us, Nolan!

Here's Nolan with his candle and cupcake doggie: Nolan (back) and Isaac enjoyed their cupcakes:

Nolan giving a smile for the camera:

All five boys on the stairs:

If you put the last pic and this one together, you can see all of our faces!

Everyone is OK...

That's what Daddy said when he called Mommy. It was kind of true. Last Wednesday we went shopping with Daddy while Mommy was at work. On our way home we were sitting at a stop light (it was red), and a truck came from behind and hit our van. We were a little stunned, but it didn't really phase us. Mommy made Daddy go to the ER (Papa took him while Nana stayed with us). Daddy was ok, just sore. He said they gave him a bunch of medicine and then he also had more to take at home. He's feeling better, but is still not back to normal. Mommy says we're lucky it wasn't worse. Daddy says it's a good thing our van is a strong Korean type! :)

Shopping Outside!

Last weekend Nana and Papa, Mommy and we went shopping outside! It was beautiful weather so it was the perfect day for it. We had to drive all the way to Fountain Hills, but it was worth it! We rode in our strollers, saw lots of pretty artwork, had a picnic outside, walked around, and then got to eat freshly made Kettle Korn!! The bags of Kettle Korn that Papa bought for us were almost as tall as we are! Toward the end of the shopping we sat at the top of a hill and at Kettle Korn and saw the big fountain. Here are the pictures that Mommy took:

Nana feeding us Kettle Korn:
Trying to get a picture with Nanny and Papa...we don't know why Papa looks so grouchy:There's a smile from Papa!Papa took us down the big hill toward the water:There's the big fountain!

Here's Jonathan running up the hill toward Mommy and Nana:

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mama's Boys

Today Mommy got a new haircut! She came home and we looked at her and giggled, touched her hair, and giggled some more. We (of course) told her we like it. Here are some pictures that she tried to take of us with her...and one with her and Daddy.

Mommy and her Mini-Me
(who can't seem to take anything except goofy pictures now):

Mommy and her other Mini-Me

Mommy and Daddy

Pizza Night!

Tonight we got to help Daddy make pizza for our dinner! It was lots of fun. Daddy set up our table and chairs in the kitchen and let us put the toppings on. Mommy, of course, took pictures.

First we watched intently as Daddy put the sauce on the crust:

Then we put a little cheese on:

And then some spinach:

Next came the Canadian Bacon:

And of course, we ended with more cheese:

Here is our finished product before we really dug in:

1000 Words

It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Looking at these pictures Mommy thinks that saying is true. There were so many possible titles for this post that we couldn't come up with one! Mommy put us in one set of costumes we had from last year and we thought it was so fun! Mommy got the camera out and we really hammed it up for her. That seems to be our 'normal' when Mommy breaks out the camera these days.

Here's the 'nicest' picture that Mommy got of us:
She tried to get us to stand there again, but got this instead:

And then this:

And this picture of Josiah, well...

This is as close to 'normal' as we get!

How Many??

We finally got to have another playdate with Nolan and Isaac last Monday! It seems like it's been a long time since we've done that. Not only did we get to play with Nolan and Isaac, but Isaac's friend Gavin was there, too! Here are a couple of pictures of all five of us:

Santa Baby??

Do you remember when I (Josiah) went through a stage where I liked to put my toys in my shirt? Well, I decided that maybe I should try it again at Nana's house. Papa, Nana, and Mommy thought it was so funny...and I look so big!! There's also a video at the end...

Guarding my 'stash'
This feels funny!

Mommy thinks I look like my cousin Payton here:

Where's the Bride???

We got to go to Miss Andrea and Mr. Steve's wedding last weekend. Unfortunately Mommy didn't get a good picture of them. It was a pretty wedding. The highlight for us was when Miss Andrea came down the aisle. We saw her and Jonathan said, "More!" Mommy told him that we were in the wrong church for that kind of wedding, and Daddy told us there is only one bride.

We did get a picture of a sign in the gym that Mommy and Daddy found amusing:

Favorite Things

Here are some more of our favorite things caught on video. You will hear us say, "Thank you," push our chairs together to make a train, do our train sounds, and just laugh together. Mommy thinks it's both cute and scary that we're working together now...

Trick or Treat Day, Please

We liked Trick or Treat Day so much that we keep asking Mommy and Daddy to put on our costumes for us. Then we look at them and say, "Trick or Treat, Please!" The only thing it gets us is more pictures taken.

Here's Jonathan:

And Josiah:

Daddy and Me

One afternoon Daddy and I (Jonathan) decided we should read the paper together. Mommy thought it was a perfect picture opportunity. Here's what she came up with:

Daddy and I reading

And chillin' and reading

Discussing what we found...and if we should trade papers

And back to reading again

*As a side note, yes, those are Christmas decorations up. Daddy said it's not worth putting them up for just a few weeks, so he put them up early this year. We LOVE the Christmas trees and lights!!

Daddy Time, Josiah Style

After Jonathan's Daddy time I decided I needed to get in on the action, too. Here is what my "Daddy Time" looks like:

Friday, November 07, 2008

Trick or Treat Day

We loved Trick or Treat day this year! (That was our special name for it that we made up ourselves.) It took us a little while to figure out how it all worked, but as soon as we realized people were giving us candy just for being cute we were ALL IN! Mommy took these videos as we were getting started in the morning. At the end of the video are a couple of pictures of us. Hope you enjoyed your Trick or Treat Day, too!!