Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

2nd Birthday Party!

On Sunday afternoon we had our birthday party with our family and "adopted" grandparents who live out here. It was so much fun! There was lots of great food and we had a whole bunch of our favorite people in one place! Not only did we get together and eat, but everyone brought us gifts! Here are some pictures of us enjoying our new toys and having fun opening the gifts.

Aunt Mary gave us a basketball hoop just our size! Mommy says that this may be the only basketball we ever get to dunk...Josiah is already practicing being a ball hog! Jonathan: Look, Mom, a watering can! (I bet you'll see these later...)Jonathan: What does it say, Mom??

Jonathan and Josiah: Hey - Look at us with our watering cans and backpacks!
Nana and Poppa got us bikes! They're real two-wheel bikes with training wheels. We aren't quite sure of how they work, but we're figuring it out! Don't we look like big boys on the bikes?

Here's a picture of our shiny new bike...and Grandma making a face in the background.


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