Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Bye Bye, Dog!

I know we just posted pictures of the doggies, but we had to put one more of George up! Every time we leave the house or go upstairs we like to say, "Bye Bye Dog!" I (Josiah) especially like this little routine. Well, yesterday we said "Bye Bye Dog" to George, and when we came back from our nap he was gone! Daddy and Mommy let Aunt Mary have him because she wants a dog. She is going to keep him and we get to visit him, and he'll still visit us, too. So far Chloe hasn't seemed to miss him at all. In fact, she has been obeying and playing and generally been enjoying being the 'only dog.' We don't feel like we really gave him away since we'll still see him a lot, but I think we'll still miss him a little. So it's not really Bye bye, Dog, as much as see you later... :)


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