Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Two Floats, Coming Right Up!

Here are the real videos of us. We had to post some on blogger so that Daddy could see our big accomplishments from his computer at work (we don't understand why they would block YouTube). Here are better quality videos of us swimming this morning. Oh yeah - and today was a big day for me (Jonathan) since it was the first day that I went potty in an actual potty. Mommy was so proud of me! If you don't want to watch all 6 (we think they're all good), you can watch the first one of each of us to get the idea.

We wish Miss Cari was here to see us swim...we like Miss Heather just as much, but we miss Cari. She did so much of the really hard work with us (and we cried through most of the lessons with her until the very end) but didn't get to help us to the final product. We hope she's watching and will let us come and swim with her when she gets back!!

Jonathan's videos:

Here I am swimming and doing the infamous swim-float-swim sequence. First is a picture of me in my swimming clothes - including a 'normal' diaper. Those things hold a TON of water!! Then Miss Heather flips me and I re-orient myself and do my thing!

This one is me going off the edge of the pool, as if I were falling in. Notice how I look underwater for Miss Heather and then re-direct where I'm going.

This video is me with an amazingly long float. I really didn't float that much until this week. Check it out! And yes, I cried, because it was HARD work and I was tired!!

Here are Josiah's videos:
The first is Miss Heather flipping me over and me re-orienting and then swimming back to her. Sometimes I get disoriented and then scared, but I did great today!

Here I am going over the edge!

My last video is me touching the bottom of the pool and then coming up and getting to the float position. The second half is me getting the coat off of my face and then floating.


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