Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Highlights

Here are a few pics of what we've been doing the past week or so...

Nana and Papa played with us in our tube tunnels (that we got from Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim) on Christmas Eve Eve ... Do you see Nana???
We got to open lots of presents on Christmas Eve Eve, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and even the day after Christmas! Rumor has it that there are still more at Grandma Ruth's house, too!

The day after Christmas we went to the Wildlife World Zoo and saw all the lights. It was cold, but lots of fun anyway! Here are a couple of pictures from that:

First, the Boa Constrictor: When we've gone in the daytime, he has been sitting on that log. That night, we couldn't find him on the log. Then Mommy read the sign to us:

For those of you who can't read that (like us), it says that there is no glass there because he stays on the log because he is well fed, warm, and content. We don't know what it means when he's not there. We didn't stick around to find out!

Here was one of the animated lights:
There were lots of those and we really liked them! We also really loved the small mammal exhibit. It was warm inside the building, so that was a huge plus for us. We got to see monkeys climb and swing in the trees - which we were absolutely thrilled with! We may even post that video sometime soon. Daddy and Mommy liked the porcupine. It was sleeping in a tree and looked so still that they thought it was a stuffed animal at first. Here is the picture of it:

We'll post more pictures of our Christmas and everything that we've been doing. We're much too busy being spoiled by Nana, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa Chang, Auntie Deb and Uncle Jared, and Great Grandma Wohlford (not to mention the countless other relatives around here) to post any more right now! Hope you had a Merry Christmas, too!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Our Biggest Little Texas Fan

Our cousin Caedmon has learned our names! Here he is looking at our blog...

Hopefully we'll start talking soon so we can send him a video of us talking to him!

Gangsta Babies, Take 2

If you remember, Daddy had some hats on us when were little and unable to defend ourselves, and he pulled them down so we looked like little gangsta babies. Taken last September:

Mommy tried it again with some different hats that Ama (Grandma Chang) got for us. Mommy got a couple of pictures before we decided that we're too old for that!

Christmas Cookies!!!

This year Nana and Mommy let us help with the cut-out Christmas cookies! It was so much fun! Nana, Great Grandma, Daddy, Mommy, and we worked so hard. It was lots of fun and we can't wait to really get our hands in it next year!

Here's Jonathan helping Nana sprinkle on the sugar: Here I (Josiah) am helping Daddy:
When I went to help Nana I found out how good the sprinkles taste! If you look closely you'll see that my part of helping was getting the 'extra' sprinkles off the cookie sheet and disposing of them. :)

Funny Baby Hats?

The other day Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim came to visit while we were at Nana and Papa's. We thought that it was so fun to put Nana's plastic containers on our heads as hats.
Or to hang upside down with them like we're in space!
Please don't let this reflect on your impression of our intelligence...

Multiple Christmas Madness

Our Parents of Multiples group had a Christmas party last week. It was a bit overwhelming for us! The older kids wanted to play with us but there were so many of them! Here is the photo proof that we were there:
This picture has four multiples in it - all from different families! Jonathan was really interested in the babies. This set of twins were born the day before our first birthday!
This picture has two of our newest sets of twins - the ones born in June and one set born in August. Both sets are identicals!
We also got to meet Santa up close and personal. We were a little afraid. We got pictures with him (we sat on Mommy and Daddy's laps and faced the camera instead of Santa). Maybe we can post those sometime, too!

Monday Playdate

We had another playdate with our friends Nolan and Isaac. Here are a couple of pics!
Apparently Jonathan was trying to drink out of the stacker: Here Isaac and I (Jonathan) are trying to share with Nolan.
This is Nolan's almost smile!

Christmas Time Is Here

We have been taking the long way home when we've been out at night. Why? Because of all the pretty lights! This year we can see out the windows and really enjoy looking at all the pretty sparkle lights and decorations. Grandma Jan and Grandpa Andy found this house and so they, Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim, Great Grandma Wohlford, Nana and Papa, Mommy, and we went together to see it. (Phew - that's a lot of Grandmas and Grandpas!!) We weren't quite sure about it at first - it was quite overwhelming.
Here I (Jonathan) am inspecting the lights on the ground in the front of the house:This is both of us with Nana and Papa going to the side of the house:Yes, Mommy had us in our pajamas with coats and shoes. Josiah likes to wear his socks on his hands instead of his feet (see post below), so he wore sock mittens to finish out his fashionable ensemble.

After a while I decided to look at each and every light that I could reach. I really liked the little ones and the animals!
I did not, however, like the large inflatables!

By the end Josiah was also loving the whole display (except for the huge inflatables).

Dancing Bear and Boys

This was our favorite part of the light display! It was a singing and dancing polar bear with two penguin back-up singers/dancers. In the video you can hear us squealing and laughing and even see us do a little dancing!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

We'll Grow Into Them...

When we were getting ready to go and see the lights Papa let us try on his hat and gloves. We aren't quite big enough for them...

Party Animals!

Last weekend was Mommy's work party. We had already been to one party at our friend Miss Tracy's house (mom of the Thompson Twins). We had lots of fun playing with all the fun things at Miss Elaine's house. Here are some pics:
Jonathan and Miss Anne - discovering a snowman decoration:Daddy and Josiah: All the kids at the party. I (Josiah) loved the attention...Jonathan wasn't so keen about it.
I got to try my hand at slots for the first time, thanks to Mr. Bill. Watch out Vegas!

If you were wondering, my (Josiah) shirt says, "I'm on Santa's nice list" and my brother's shirt says, "Ho Ho Ho" thanks to Nana for the Christmas shirts!

Tube Tunnel Toys...the Video

Here's the video of the tube tunnel toys - the rest of the post is the next one!

Tube Tunnel Toys

We got one of our first Christmas gifts a couple of weeks ago! Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim gave us a whole set of tube tunnel toys. There are three tubes that connect to each other or a tent, house, or pop-up center. Daddy and Mommy let us play with a couple of the tubes the other night. They are so much fun!!!

Thanks Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim!


The other day I (Josiah) kept taking my slippers and socks off. So Mommy decided to put them on my hands! I thought it was pretty didn't slow me down much!

This is my brother looking almost as cute as me! :)

And Then There Was One...

These are a couple more pics of us in the adorable outfits that we got from Grandma Miriam, Uncle Phil and Aunt Stella. Notice that we also have our new slippers on! We don't like to leave them on for very long, but they do help so we don't slide across the tile floors too much!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Christmas Peer Pressure

So, many people have been elfing themselves, and we gave in after we saw what Isaac did...we admit that we used the same message, but we found some different pictures...Here's the result:

Fab Four as Elves

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Matchy Matchy

Today Mommy dressed us alike. We think it adds to our cute factor when we wear the same outfits! These are outfits from Uncle Phil, Aunt Stella, and Grandma Miriam.

These pictures are at Papa and Nana's house. Notice the big mess of dominoes behind us.

Here we are with our Great Grandma Wohlford. She was supposed to come in on Saturday, but got delayed 2 whole days because of the storms in the midwest. We're glad she made it here safe and sound! She's lots of fun and we think that she might spoil us a little, too.

2+1 =

A really funny night! Our friend Isaac came to play with us on Monday night. It was lots of fun and we were really good boys. The next few posts show some of what we did together. This video shows what we discovered on Monday, and us trying to teach Isaac...

Follow the Purple Cup

We played with the table and shared...can you follow the purple cup?

We're So Cute

And innocent!

Life as a Dog

We decided that Chloe was a good toy. Here we are saying "dog" and giving her attention. It's particularly funny when she licks our fingers!

We Love Our Friend!

We decided Isaac needed some love. So we patted him:

And gave him hugs:Don't we all look happier?!