Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Multiple Christmas Madness

Our Parents of Multiples group had a Christmas party last week. It was a bit overwhelming for us! The older kids wanted to play with us but there were so many of them! Here is the photo proof that we were there:
This picture has four multiples in it - all from different families! Jonathan was really interested in the babies. This set of twins were born the day before our first birthday!
This picture has two of our newest sets of twins - the ones born in June and one set born in August. Both sets are identicals!
We also got to meet Santa up close and personal. We were a little afraid. We got pictures with him (we sat on Mommy and Daddy's laps and faced the camera instead of Santa). Maybe we can post those sometime, too!


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