Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Monday, November 01, 2010

Trick-or-Treat Day 2010

Trick-or-Treat Day was so fun this year! Unfortunately, we had colds all weekend, so mostly had a sick weekend. Thankfully we rested and were well enough to go Trick-or-Treating at Nanny and Papa's neighborhood and then in our neighborhood in the evening. Here we are in our costumes arriving at Nanny and Papa's. We both decided to be SuperWhy this year! Papa and Nanny dressed up and were waiting for us when we got there!
Here are the three of us - SuperWhy, Monkey, and SuperWhy!

Elijah had fun trick-or-treating, too!

After we napped in the afternoon we got to sell candy to the other trick-or-treaters in the neighborhood. We enjoyed selling the candy (Mommy said it was giving it away, but Josiah said it was selling) to everyone more than going trick-or-treating ourselves! We sat outside and watched everyone going around from house to house and admiring all the neat costumes! By the end of the night we didn't have any candy left - there were that many trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood!

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Trick-or-Treat Eve

Daddy and Mommy weren't quite as on top of things for my Trick-or-Treat day costume as they were with my brothers. Somehow I keep ending up with hand-me-downs in clothes and now in costumes! The day before Trick-or-Treat day they decided that maybe they should find a costume for me and make sure it fit. Lucky for them, it not only fit, but I LOVED wearing it! Here is a picture of me wearing my monkey costume: Down on the floor crawling in it...

Reading a book...
That's all I have to say about THAT book!

Since I had my costume on, my brother Josiah decided he should put his on again, too. He already had his on for his preschool party on Thursday, but he likes to wear his SuperWhy costume as much as he can!

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Next Top Model?

After Mommy's friends left we got a hold of the camera again. Mommy was talking to Daddy on the phone and told Jonathan to go and see what I (Josiah) was doing in the bathroom. Since we would NEVER rat each other out, here is the picture that Mommy got as an answer: Nope - nothing incriminating there!

After I came out, I took the camera and Jonathan posed. I think he does great behind and in front of the camera!

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Reunion Weekend!

Well, we had a reunion weekend at our house! Three of Mommy's college friends came to spend a weekend with us. They were CRAZY! We were so excited to meet them and really warmed up to them right away. Mommy's friends are so much fun, and so funny, too! Here are a few pictures from their time with us in AZ.
The day they arrived I (Jonathan) went to the airport with Mommy. We didn't have time in between for me to go home, so I spent the whole day out with Mommy and her friends. One of the fun things about going out with Mommy by myself is that I get to do fun things. We went to In-N-Out on the way back from the airport. They gave me stickers and an In-N-Out hat! I was so happy about that!! I think Mommy's friend Jesseca was almost as excited about In-N-Out as I was. :) Mommy and her friends went shopping one day, and Mommy came back with a hat and mittens for Elijah. Her friends didn't really believe that he needs either in Arizona, but Mommy knows that he will need them eventually. They decided to see what Elijah looked like in his new hat, and then decided to take pictures of the cute baby:

Here is Miss Jesseca trying to get a picture of Elijah while he's trying to get her camera!

There's a cute picture. We think he looks pretty funny in a winter hat and short-sleeved shirt!

On Monday Miss Rosie made Kettle Corn for us! We got a hold of Mommy's camera and took some pictures for her. Here is Rosie slaving away at the stove:

Here she is with the finished product! It was so yummy!!!

And her is a picture of Mommy with her friends the night before they left. Isn't that a pretty picture?!
We hope Mommy's friends will come back to visit us soon. We had so much fun with them and hope they had as much fun with us. From the amount of laughter we heard (and at all hours of the night), we think they had fun, too.

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New Discoveries!

We're making new discoveries in our world! Elijah has discovered the joy of playing in the plastic containers at Nanny's house: Josiah and Jonathan have discovered the joy of ice skating!
Well, maybe not joy in ice skating. :) Cousin Lilly had an ice skating birthday party this month. We were so excited about the idea of ice skating until we put on the ice skates. Those things are REALLY hard to walk in! Then Mommy made us go out on the ice in them. Do you know how slippery ice is?! We found out really quickly. We weren't sure we liked ice skating at all, but by the end of our time at the ice skating rink we both went all the way around, holding onto Mommy and the edge. Jonathan even did some skating on his own! We don't know if we'll go back anytime soon, but maybe the next time will be better. Overall it was fun and we're glad we tried it!

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Beep Beep!

One of our favorite things to do is have playdates with our cousins. The weather is so nice out now, so we get to have outside play time. Here are some pictures of us playing outside on their outside toys...

Josiah riding a scooter:

Jonathan driving a princess car.

Elijah wasn't so enthralled by the cars, but loved just being outside!

Josiah driving the Mustang convertible. Mommy and Daddy hope this isn't a sign of things to come...

The boys racing down the street!
It may be a princess car, but that thing has power and wheels to make it go!

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