Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Monday, November 01, 2010

Trick-or-Treat Day 2010

Trick-or-Treat Day was so fun this year! Unfortunately, we had colds all weekend, so mostly had a sick weekend. Thankfully we rested and were well enough to go Trick-or-Treating at Nanny and Papa's neighborhood and then in our neighborhood in the evening. Here we are in our costumes arriving at Nanny and Papa's. We both decided to be SuperWhy this year! Papa and Nanny dressed up and were waiting for us when we got there!
Here are the three of us - SuperWhy, Monkey, and SuperWhy!

Elijah had fun trick-or-treating, too!

After we napped in the afternoon we got to sell candy to the other trick-or-treaters in the neighborhood. We enjoyed selling the candy (Mommy said it was giving it away, but Josiah said it was selling) to everyone more than going trick-or-treating ourselves! We sat outside and watched everyone going around from house to house and admiring all the neat costumes! By the end of the night we didn't have any candy left - there were that many trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood!

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Anonymous Solara said...

Looks like the children had a great time! (^_^) They look so HAPPY.

9:20 PM  

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