Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Our First Field Trip!

Today we had our first field trip with our preschool. And do you know where we went? To a field! Well, we actually went to a farm, but there were fields there, too! All of our class was there, with some of their parents and siblings, too. Mommy didn't take a lot of pictures because it was so busy, but here are some that she got. Oh yeah, she also got a smudge on the camera lens, so some parts of the pictures aren't very clear. We have no idea how that would happen...

Hey - how did Elijah get to be the first picture of our field trip?! Here we are in a field 'picking' vegetables with our classmates:

We're lining up to go into the corn maze!

Elijah wasn't so impressed with the learning part of our day.

Here is Farmer Karen telling us about corn:

Yea! We all made it through the corn maze!
After the corn maze we got to ride on the train around the farm!

Here is a picture of all the kids that went on the field trip today - except for the babies. :)

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