Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Benefits Fair with No Benefit for Me

This morning we all got to go to work! Daddy and Mommy had a "Benefits Fair" at the hospitall, so we all went together. It was nothing like the last fair we went to. In fact, it was 10 times worse! There were two good things about it - 1) Nanny and Papa were there, and 2) we got little Snoopy stuffed animals from one of the vendors.

The worst part was that I (Josiah) got sick! Nanny took me upstairs to see some of her co-workers, and I threw up all over. Daddy and Mommy didn't know I was sick at all when we left this morning. I had been acting fine - of course, I love to go out, so why wouldn't I act fine?! Well, I was sick and so I got this spiffy new pajama top to wear home. As you can see, I wasn't so happy about it. I'm feeling a little better now, but not totally great. I'm going to take a nap now. Please pray that I feel better soon!! I don't want to miss out on too many more outings!!

Baby Mylei's Dedication

No, we're not impressed with how dedicated Mylei is in her endeavors as a 3 month old. We are, however, so blessed to be a part of her life! Mommy and I (Jonathan) went to baby Mylei's dedication to the Lord. Her Grandpa Barber did the dedication, so it was very, very special. We also got to see some 'old' friends and play with new friends! Here are the pictures that Mommy took:
This is Mylei, her daddy and her mommy during the dedication: Mylei slept through most of it! She was a very good little girl:

Here she is with her mommy:

Here's the pretty (and yummy) cake that we ate!

Thank you for including us as part of your lives!! We love you, Mylei!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Check Out...

Isaac's Blog for more pics and videos of us! :)

You Can Take Me to the Fair!

Last Friday we got to go to the AZ State Fair! Mommy was so excited - she has been looking forward to cotton candy for a long time. We weren't quite as enthusiastic about it: Here's a picture of the entrance to the fair:
One of the first things we did was see monkeys riding dogs! It was so funny! We loved the "Banana Derby" and think that maybe we should start training them in our back yard. Here are some pictures and the video:

Next to the Banana Derby were elephants! They were so big...Daddy and Mommy said we are too young to ride them. Maybe we can convince them next year.
Then we got to go to a petting zoo section of the fair. The first thing we saw was a llama that someone had shaved to look like a poodle. Mommy and Daddy thought it was really funny. We just liked looking at the llama:
There was a camel:
And a little giraffe:
And a baby bison:
And the goats who wanted to eat our shoes!
One of our absolute favorite things was the baby chickens! We just couldn't keep ourselves away!
We saw goats that people brought in to show - some trying to keep their noses warm:
And then goats in coats!

We saw turkeys - they're really big and make really big sounds!
And then we got to be cowboys:

We even got to see an Arizona corn maze:
It was a very fun day at the fair!! Mommy got her cotton candy, but said it wasn't 'safe' for us. Hmmm...we think she just wanted it all for herself. She did say that someday we'll have to go to the IA State Fair - they have butter cows and all sorts of other fun things you don't find in AZ. Thanks for taking us to the fair!!


Mr. Matt and Miss Sheri came over to watch us on Friday night while Daddy and Mommy went out to eat as a thank you for us having Isaac for a sleep over. We all played outside - and it was so much fun!
We re-arranged the rocks and furniture:

Played in the planter:

And laughed at all of Mr. Matt's jokes!

Then we got to have our snack outside:
Thanks for coming to play with us!

Playground Time

Last week after story time Mommy took us to the playground! We love playing there, and that day was no different! I (Josiah) was so busy that this was the best picture that Mommy could get of me: My brother had fun, too. He would run and play, and then call for Mommy to make sure that she hadn't just left us there. She didn't.
This is what we did most of the time - run in opposite directions!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More Books, Please!

The other day we went out to lunch with Aunt Debbie. Afterward we felt like we needed to walk since we'd eaten so much! Mommy and Aunt Debbie took us to a couple of stores, and we found a new favorite! We went to the book store and there was a section just for us! We absolutely loved it! We were amazed by how many books were there, and how so many things were exactly our size. We found some chairs that are our size, took the books we found, and made ourselves comfortable. It was great! Mommy, of course, had her camera:

Is it a Sign?!

This is the sign at the exit to our house from the freeway: Need we say more?!

Happy Birthday Papa!!

We celebrated Papa's birthday with him last week! It was so much fun! We had lots of yummy foods - most of which were made from carrots. I (Jonathan) didn't think that was very nice, because I don't really like carrots, either. Luckily, Mommy made a non-carrot dish, and Nana made pies for dessert!
Here we are helping Papa open his presents:
Everyone sang happy birthday to Papa after Mommy lit his pies on fire:
Here's Papa blowing out the candles:
And us waiting patiently for dessert:
Mmmm...those pies look great! We had apple, peach, and blueberry! Yummy! We think Papa should have birthdays more often! :)


This is a picture from the day that we got haircuts! We go to see Miss Carmen and she gives us lollipops while she cuts our hair. We love to get the blue ones, because they turn our tongues blue! Aren't we silly?!

Nap Time

Daddy and Mommy got us these fun inflatable beds for at home! We got to take a nap on them - and Daddy took a nap on the couch! We really like our new "beds," but want to play on them more than nap in them.