Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Baby Mylei's Dedication

No, we're not impressed with how dedicated Mylei is in her endeavors as a 3 month old. We are, however, so blessed to be a part of her life! Mommy and I (Jonathan) went to baby Mylei's dedication to the Lord. Her Grandpa Barber did the dedication, so it was very, very special. We also got to see some 'old' friends and play with new friends! Here are the pictures that Mommy took:
This is Mylei, her daddy and her mommy during the dedication: Mylei slept through most of it! She was a very good little girl:

Here she is with her mommy:

Here's the pretty (and yummy) cake that we ate!

Thank you for including us as part of your lives!! We love you, Mylei!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for coming!! I can't wait to be big enough to play with you guys!

8:36 PM  

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