Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Elijah dreaming about the Hawkeye win against Penn State.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Multimedia message

Daddy, Josiah, & Elijah

Multimedia message

Baby Elijah at home

Elijah Jacob

Hello, World! My name is Elijah Jacob and I'm the newest member of the House of Chang! I arrived on Friday, September 18 at 8:40 a.m. My mommy and daddy were so surprised when they told them that I weighed in at 8 lbs and 8 oz! I was 19 inches long, so only an inch longer than my brothers were when they were born. I know this was my brothers' blog, but I think I should have my say in this, too. :) I can't wait to meet all of you! Until then, I'll post some photos of me and my family.

Here's one of the first pictures of me with Daddy and Mommy: Here I am meeting my big brothers - Josiah and Jonathan.

This is me with my brother Josiah - he's trying to be cuter than me.

Here is Jonathan giving me a kiss - he loves me already!

Here I am in the pack-n-play sleeping - one of my favorite things to do!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Here's a picture of Mommy this morning before Baby Brother makes his entrance into the world. Apparently Mommy didn't sleep well, so she was up early and made Daddy take a picture before he got out of bed. :) Hopefully our next post will be a picture of Baby Brother!!

Night-time Routine - BBB

Here are some photos of our night-time routine - at least as it is before Baby Brother arrives! We hope that it stays the same after he arrives, too. We love our Daddy and Mommy time!

First, we run into Mommy and Daddy's room and hide: Here is Daddy giving us a bath. I (Josiah) and helping wash Jonathan's hair:
Funny hair!
Jonathan has funny hair, too!
In our towels:

We get to lay in bed with Daddy and Mommy and read stories or listen to them on the computer!
Tickling Daddy!


Last night we got to play outside and then have popsicles. For all of you worrying about our nutrition, it was ok - the popsicles have vitamin C and fruit juice. It said so on the box, so they must be good for us, right?!

Daddy Days!!

We have had such a fun week! Daddy has been home all week waiting for Baby Brother's arrival. Here are some pics of us enjoying time with Daddy...or maybe just enjoying Daddy being at home. :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

1 Year Old!

We have had so many parties lately - and we LOVE it! This weekend we got to go to cousin Andrew's 1st Birthday party! It was a lot of fun - we bounced in their bouncy house and even played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey with a blindfold!

Here is the Birthday boy: This is Andrew eating his birthday cake. He just picked up the whole thing!!

This was opening Andrew's gifts. Can you find him??
We couldn't find him, either. Mostly it was his mommy opening the gifts and the bigger kids helping.

Here's Andrew!
Thanks for inviting us to the party!

Where's Our Invitation?!

Last weekend Mommy left us at home to have a Daddy day. What she didn't tell us is that she went to a party for Baby Brother! She not only went to the party, but didn't invite us! Oh well. We had lots of fun with Daddy. Here are some pictures that Mommy took from Baby Brother's Party. Thanks to Miss Sheri and Miss Donna for throwing a fun party for us and to everyone who came and helped out!

This is the AMAZING diaper cake that Miss Julie and Miss Lisa made for us. It almost makes us want to be babies again!
Isn't it a pretty table?

Look at the monkey cake that Miss Sheri's friend made. We think it's so cute!

Another pretty table:

Some of the guests at the party - Miss Julie, Lilly, Miss Heather, Miss Amanda, Miss Kati, and Miss Michelle:

Mommy and the Monkey Cake:

Miss Lisa and Miss Julie playing the diaper game:

Miss Amanda, Miss Kati, and Miss Michelle:

Miss Tracy, Elly, Miss Jen and Andrew:

Miss Carol, Miss Lisa and Miss Julie

Mommy and Baby Brother:

Miss Carol, Mommy, and Miss Michelle with the ribbons - Mommy's ribbon is how big around she actually is, the other two are holding their guesses. :)

Mommy said she had a lot of fun at the party and really enjoyed the girl time! Thanks to everyone for spoiling us and Baby Brother!!