Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Thursday, August 07, 2008


Today we had our visit with the pediatric allergist. We liked him a lot! It was those nurses who did all the mean stuff...We talked with the doctor, he looked us over, and then he left and the nurses came in and did this to us:
We got tested for the 8 main food allergies, as well as tomato and strawberry. As you can see from the top picture, I (Josiah) am highly allergic to #6, peanuts. Jonathan is the bottom picture, and he didn't react much at all! We both did a great job and were very good boys. Now Daddy and Mommy just have to figure out how to get me through life with a peanut allergy.

And yes, Mommy takes our camera everywhere! It usually stays in the diaper bag, which is how we got pictures in the hospital, too. Mostly she just wants to be prepared for a cute moment, and we can have them anywhere, anytime! :)


Blogger Buck and Jess! said...

Yikes! I remember when Caelan had that done, about the same age. She didn't have any reactions, but her daddy did :)

11:25 AM  

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