Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Thursday, August 07, 2008

...And Back We Went

We were eating lunch at home and then Mommy started getting all jumpy. We don't really know what happened, but the next thing we knew Papa was at our house and we were getting in the car. Mommy took a couple of pictures as she tried to bravely play exterminator. This is what she was after:
Mommy is not ashamed to say that she is very afraid of bugs. Especially big bugs. Where we live there are lots of big bugs and creepy crawlies. We have people come and spray our yard and house every month so that Mommy doesn't have to be scared. However, the neighbors don't all spray, so sometimes the neighbor bugs come and play at our house. Mommy doesn't like that. Mommy couldn't tell where the bug went, so she called Papa to come and look for it and help her to get it. He came over, but didn't find the bug. So yes, it's true, we packed up quickly and returned to Nana and Papa's house until Daddy got home.

The good news is that Mommy is a good exterminator, even if Grandpa isn't a good hunter. Daddy got home and found the (former) bug under the couch. He called to let Mommy know that it was safe to come home. Today our friend John is coming to make sure that there aren't any other of this bugs friends in our house. The moral of the story...well, there isn't one. We just hope you don't think less of Mommy.


Blogger Buck and Jess! said...

What IS that thing?!!

11:24 AM  

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