Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Saturday, March 31, 2007

9 months?!

Where have we been the past couple of weeks? Well, here are some new posts and pics! We are 9 months old, and have officially been 'out' longer than 'in' now. :) On Monday we go for our 9 month check up and to get our pictures taken. We may even let Daddy and Mommy get in a couple of them. Anyway, check out the new posts to see what we've been up to. Love, J & J

Baby Food

Mommy, Miss Sheri, and Miss Christine thought that it would be a good idea to make home-made baby food for us, Isaac and Nolan. They all got together and fixed us five different kinds of food. They made Apples, Pears, Sweet Potatoes, Peas, and Broccoli. We have only tried peas and sweet potatoes so far - the peas are much different than the peas Mommy and Daddy were feeding us before. Mommy and Grandma say that the ones Mommy made are much better, but we're not sure. We don't know if it was worth all the mess that Mommy and her friends made. Here are some 'after' pictures of our kitchen:

And this was some of the final product. Mommy thinks it's definitely worth the mess and is planning on doing more on her own. Maybe she'll figure out how to do it a little neater next time. Or maybe not.

Easter Egg

Here we are with playing with a plastic Easter Egg that Grandma gave to us.


We had so much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house this week. Here we are looking out the window and demonstrating some skills.
Jonathan can sit up so well all by himself!
We can both pull ourselves up to standing with no problem at all!
Josiah is practicing to be a window washer.
It's so funny to slobber on the window! Just look at it run down!Here we are half way - Jonathan getting down and Josiah getting up.
Here we are crawling away and Jonathan is demonstrating our skill of crawling with something in his mouth. Mommy and Daddy say we're going through our 'puppy' stage.


Every week Mommy takes us to get together with our friends Isaac and Nolan. She and their Mommies claim that they're reading a book and talking about it, but we think they just want for us to have time to play together. Here are some pictures of us playing together last week!

We like Isaac's toys! We don't know why he doesn't come and steal them back from us.

Here is a picture of all four of us. Isaac rolls sideways, Josiah is going one direction, Jonathan is heading for Nolan, and Nolan is defenseless in the swing. Poor Nolan.

Jonathan decided he wanted to get up close to Nolan and inspect his burp rag.

We are such good friends. Here I (Jonathan) am looking at Isaac.

This is us getting ready to hug. If only we had a little more control of our arms...

Here we are hugging!

Wasn't I cute, Mom?

Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa

Here we are at Grandpa and Grandma's house. We got to help cook dinner, play outside, sit in our special chairs at their house, and get baths in the sink!

Jonathan helping(?) Grandma fix the potatoes.

This is where we get to sit when while the grown-ups get to eat. We think that they should share with us...

Here we are getting baths in the sink! As you can tell, we are rather curious and don't really want to stay in the sink anymore. :)

Chillin' and Grillin'

We got to spend some time at Grandpa and Grandma's house. It was so nice outside that Mommy and Grandpa let us hang out outside while they grilled dinner. Here we are with Grandpa...

And Josiah got to play with Grandpa and his hat....

Josiah also got to help Grandpa do some grilling. (Jonathan did, too, Mommy just didn't get the picture.) :)

At Aunt Mary's

We went to Aunt Mary's to celebrate her and Daddy's birthday. Here we are at her house playing before we left to eat. We didn't really enjoy the restaurant. Daddy and Mommy and Aunt Mary all sat at the table and ate while we sat in our stroller. They expected us to sit there not making a sound and just watch them eat. Yeah, right! We thought they should have shared what they were eating. Oh well, we probably wouldn't have liked it that much anyway. Jonathan
We both got a nasty looking rashy thing (that's what you see on our faces and bodies). The doctor says it's something called eczema (whatever that means) and it got infected. Josiah got put on an antibiotic and we both have to have two creams put on the spots. We don't like that so much. Thankfully it didn't really bother us and now it's almost gone!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy (Almost) Birthday!

It's almost our Daddy's and Aunt Debbie's birthdays so we had a party for them tonight! Grandpa Wohlford's family who live in the area always get together for birthdays, so we all got together for another party. It was lots of fun, even if we didn't get to eat any of the good food that Grandma fixed. Aunt Debbie (who lives far away now) told Mommy that we should celebrate for her, too, so these pictures are from her and Daddy's party! Daddy has a twin sister, so her birthday is coming, too. We're going to celebrate with her next week. We liked the first party, so we're excited to have two in one week!! Here we are sitting at the table with all the big people.
This is the yummy meal that Mommy ate for Aunt Debbie (she told Mommy that she ate a doughnut for her today).
This is the yummy-looking Carvel ice cream cake that everyone but us ate.
This is the empty plate that held the ice cream cake that Mommy ate for Aunt Debbie.
This is the box the the ice cream cake came in. It says that the ice cream is "artificially flavored" Vanilla with Chocolate "flavored" crunchies. We are glad that Mommy ate the mystery cake instead of us. Kind of.

Happy Birthday, Aunt Debbie!!!

A Tisket, A Tasket

We don't like the basket!

Grandma put us in a laundry basket when we wandered into the laundry room. It was okay when we were in it one at a time, but we definitely don't like being in there together. We've shared enough cramped spaces in our lives already!


We had our first bathtub bath at Grandpa and Grandma's house in their big whirlpool tub. They didn't turn the bubbles on for us, but it didn't matter. We had so much fun taking a bath - we should do this more often!! Jonathan (L) and Josiah (R)

Wildlife World Zoo Outing

Last weekend Grandpa and Grandma took us all to the Wildlife World Zoo! It was so fun that we fell asleep (just like the baseball game). :) We slept through about half of it, but what we did see was pretty fun. Josiah found a lizard in the reptile house that he thought was so funny! Every time the lizard moved his little head Josiah would laugh. We both took in all the sights and sounds...and smells! Here are some pictures of us at the zoo and the animals that we saw. Luckily Mommy and Daddy took pictures so we wouldn't miss everything. Thanks for a fun day, Grandpa and Grandma!