Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Room Formerly Known as Spare Room #1

This weekend we painted the nursery. By "we" I mean Mark, Dad, Mom, and my sister Deb. I did help get it ready - took the switchplates off, taped the baseboards, etc. After much deliberation about paint colors we found the two we wanted and painting began. My dad, who makes a comment such as, "I'm never painting again!" every time he paints a room, was a big help. He not only showed up, but painted like a champ. Here are a couple of pictures of the process. It's not finished yet - we are going to add a border and some more painty details.

Dad marking the line...note the hard-working look with tongue to the side of the mouth.

This is Deb starting the big green wall.

Dad expressing his love (or lack thereof) for painting.

*note, the colors look different in the pics than they are in real life... :)

Friday, February 10, 2006

Thoughts from the Couch of Chang

Well, it's been a long time since I've updated. Last week we got a shock when my maternal Grandmother had a sudden heart attack and passed away. We spent the week in Illinois with family. My cousins all made it in for the funeral, which is a feat in itself. It was actually a little strange seeing all my cousins as adults and many as parents! It was sad to say good-bye to Grandma, but good to be with family. The most comforting thing is knowing that Grandma is in heaven, celebrating with her Creator!

Celebrating around here, however, hasn't really been happening. I returned to sunny, warm Arizona with a monster cold and cough. Normally I can kick this type of thing in a couple of days. However, pregnancy messes with the immune system, and mine is apparently malfunctioning. I've been off work pretty much all week, and my doctor told me not to plan to be back until next week. He was right. Hence, thoughts from the Couch of Chang.

There really is nothing else to report. Besides Chloe moving from the couch to the floor and the color of juice in my glass, the scenery in the living room of the House of Chang is pretty much the same as it was at the beginning of this experience. On the good side, I have been able to catch up on some e-mails in betweens naps and coughing spells.

I really can't complain, though. My appt. with the doctor went fine, and I got to hear both babies' heartbeats. They're both doing well and none the worse for the wear. In just over a week we'll get to find out if we'll be welcoming baby boys or baby girls A & B into the world!

For now, it's more fluids, naps, and re-runs of Gilmore Girls. :)