Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Monday, February 01, 2010

November Notes

November was busy with a lot of the same things - baby, parties, family... Our life is so fun and so busy! Here's a picture of Elijah at the end of November, around 10 weeks old. He looks like he needs the hug his outfit is asking for:

Oh Christmas Tree

We got to help Daddy and Mommy decorate the Christmas tree! We were really good at putting the ornaments on:
Here we are with the finished product:

Happy Birthday, Nolan!

We got to go to our friend Nolan's birthday party at the end of November. It was so much fun. He had a big Spiderman bounce house in his back yard. Can you find us in the picture: Here we are singing to Nolan:

Look at all the Spideys!

8 Weeks Old

Here is a picture of me at 8 weeks old. Mommy thinks I look a lot like my brothers at that age, just a little chubbier. I was getting really good at smiling by this time...

State Fair

In Arizona the State Fair is in October and November. Mommy thinks this is a little strange, but is glad since it's cool enough to enjoy by that time. We went to the fair and got to pet the animals in the petting zoo:

But the best part was the food! It was Dollar Days, so they had a bunch of food for $1. We got to eat our first corn you can see I (Josiah) have inherited my parents' enjoyment of food:
Mommy also got to have funnel cakes, fry bread, and cotton candy - all for $1 each! She was so sugared up and so happy by the time we left. We all think that's the way to enjoy the fair!

Who's Watching Who?

We went to the zoo and the giraffes were very interested in us. Apparently they thought we were there for them to look at! The baby giraffe came to see us:

and get a closer look:
And an even closer look:

And tried to get even closer!

Aquarium Finds

We hadn't been to the aquarium in quite a while, and they had added new things. One was the PACU fish. Daddy and Mommy found this particularly amusing since they work in the recovery room, aka Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU).

Elijah wasn't so impressed with his first visit to the zoo and aquarium:

Happy Day!

This was at our picnic lunch at the park early in November. We were having lots of fun!
Josiah: Jonathan:


Our October was so busy! We had a new baby to adjust to, birthday parties, family visiting, and Trick-or-Treat day. We especially liked Trick-or-Treating this year. Mommy took us to the neighbors' homes and they gave us candy in our bags! We just liked going around and seeing everyone. It was SO MUCH FUN!

This is Aunt Judy with Elijah:
Uncle Dale with Elijah:

The two of us on the couch being silly:

Pumpkin Patch!

We got to go to the Pumpkin Patch with Isaac and his family. We went a couple of years ago, but it was even more fun this year! We went on a hayride: Saw animals in a petting zoo:
Took a picture with all the pumpkins:

Got to see the butterflies:

And Mommy took this picture of a butterfly up close:

It was such a fun day! We are going to keep talking about it until Mommy takes us back next year. Baby Elijah was there, too, but he slept through most of it. Maybe he'll like it better next year...


Mommy took a few pictures of us like this - snuggled under Daddy's arm. We thought it was sweet to see Elijah snuggled in that way, too.


We got to be pirates for Trick-or-Treat day! This was our first pass on trying on our costumes - for Cousin Lilly's birthday party. We were good pirates, not scary ones! :)


Baby Elijah had quite a personality from the very beginning. Here are a few pictures of the many faces of Baby Elijah:

And of course, Mommy loves to take pictures of sleeping babies:

Baby Brother

These are pictures from the beginning of October - when Elijah was just a couple of weeks old! He was a big baby, but still looks so small! Jonathan and Elijah:

Josiah and Elijah:

Elijah hanging out in his bouncy seat: