Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sweet Smile

Morning Mommy and Elijah time today. What a cutie!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

What We've Been Up To...

It's been a while since we have posted much on our blog. We've been so busy taking care of our baby and Mommy that we haven't had time to catch up and put pictures on our blog for our friends and family. Well, this morning we finally got a little chance! Here are some pictures and posts of what's been going on in our house for the last couple of weeks...Enjoy!

Mommy and me (Jonathan) snuggling together! Elijah got his first real bath on Wednesday - it looks like he likes it!
Here we are this morning holding our baby. We really love him a lot!
Whenever someone comes to see us we get to introduce our baby to them. I (Josiah) always tell them that this is our baby, Elijah Jacob! Jonathan told our friend Miss Carol that she could hold our baby, but she had to wash her hands first. We are very protective big brothers!

10 Days Old!

Here are some pictures from our baby's 10 day birthday. We think that every time we hold our baby (that's how we refer to him, as our baby - not Mommy's or Daddy's or anyone else's) that Mommy or Daddy should take a picture. They usually do it, too! Josiah with Elijah:
Jonathan with Elijah:
We're such good big brothers!

Happy Boys!

Here we are having some quality time with Daddy. We love having him at home!!

It's the Little Things

Mommy took some pictures of me the other day to remember all the cute little things...little toes, fingers, mouth...

Ready for My Close-Up!

When I was just 5 days old we went to our friend Miss Paula's house and I had my very first professional photo shoot. I was a perfect little model and she did a wonderful job with my pictures. Here are a few for a 'sneak peek.'

First Bath at Home

We got to "help" give our baby brother his first bath at home! Jonathan held Elijah's hat and I (Josiah) held the soap for Daddy. It was so much fun and we're learning to be good helpers for Mommy and Daddy!

Here is our baby all clean!

He has lots of funny facial expressions now - he looks almost content here...
But he really wasn't!

Coming Home!

Here are some pictures of my first couple of days at home!

This is my first time in my car seat. It wasn't very fun at first, but then we started to move and I fell asleep right away! My big brothers made me a "Welcome Home/Happy Birth Day" cake!
Here's our whole family together!!
A picture with Nanny and Papa and my big brothers:
A picture with Daddy, Mommy, big brothers, and Grandma and Grandpa Chang (Amah and Agong):