Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swimming Again!!

Last week we started our swimming lessons again! We love getting in the water, and are doing so well after only a week. We (of course) started out being sad in the water, but by the end of the week we were all smiles.

Here is a picture of Jonathan with Miss Heather:
And Josiah with Miss Heather:

And here are a couple of videos of us swimming.

This one is Jonathan jumping, floating, and swimming:

Check out Josiah's grin as he's getting ready to jump into the water (not to mention his whole technique). It's pretty funny!

We're so glad to be back in the water and will be ready to start swimming as soon as it's warm enough. We think Mommy and Daddy should get us a pool since we're such good swimmers now!

Happy Luck, Good Birthday!

Daddy started a new job last week, so his old job gave him a going away party. It just happened to work out that one of the patients on Daddy's floor brought in a bigger cake the same day of his party, so he brought his cake home.
Here he is with the cake that they bought for him:
It also happened to be the weekend we had a birthday party for Mommy. So the cake was magically transformed to Mommy's birthday cake! Here we are putting the candles on the cake (one of our new favorite things to do):

And here's the finished product!

Rock Stars!

We FINALLY got hair cuts last week! Here are a couple of pictures of us with our new hair cuts, and our favorite toys! You may think that we're holding a pan and a tee from our tee ball set, but they're really guitars. Don't we look cool as rock stars?!

How Many?!

Daddy took us to the zoo one day while Mommy was at work. They were feeding the porcupines, and we got to see a bunch of them out eating. Usually we only see one or two out at a time. We took a picture so that Mommy could see all the porcupines, too:

Happy Easter!

This past Easter the Easter bunny came to Papa and Nanny's house! We got lots of fun things, and found a lot of Easter eggs!

Here's Josiah: and Jonathan:

Monday, April 06, 2009

Alarm Clock?!

Mommy: Jonathan, do you want to wake up Josiah?
Jonathan: Yes!
(Runs over to where Josiah is sleeping on Mommy's lap)
Jonathan: Wake up. Wake up, Brother!
Josiah: (nothing)
Jonathan: Wake Up! Wake Up!!
Josiah: (nothing)
Josiah: (nothing)
Jonathan: 'Siah not waking up. Maybe he needs batteries.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes

Here are some videos of us that Mommy thought were worth capturing.

This one is us talking about the new baby. Mommy asks if we're tired (it was almost naptime), then if we want a brother or sister, and then if we want an ugly baby or cute baby.

This video is of us singing. We love to sing and pretend to play guitar. This particular day we used our baseball bat and part of the tee to 'strum' on. The song we finally decided on was "Rain, Rain go away, don't come back another day."

This last video is us doing animal sounds. Mommy just likes our interpretation of the elephant sound:

Say Cheese!

Ok, so Mommy hasn't been so good about taking pictures lately. Something about feeeling sick and tired all the time. We're ready for our 'normal' and FUN mommy to come back. Anyway, she decided to take some pics of us the other day.

Here we are singing and smiling (Jonathan playing guitar on his baseball bat):Cheesy poses:
More cheese from us:

A Surprise in Surprise!

Last week Daddy and Mommy and our Uncle Ed took us for a surprise. We got to go to a baseball game in Surprise! We watched the Royals play the Rockies. It was so fun to see them playing baseball. We saw a bunch of home runs, and the Rockies almost made a big comeback in the last inning. Thanks, Papa, for the tickets!!


We love going to the aquarium! We got to go a couple of times last week. It was so much fun. Now we both touch the starfish and horse-shoe crabs in the petting tanks. We're even getting braver about touching the stingrays. A nice man at the aquarium gave Jonathan a shrimp to feed to the stingrays. It was really neat! We've been going to the aquarium since it opened, but Mommy just figured out that there's a setting on her camera called, "Aquarium." Last week she decided to try it out. Here are some of the pictures she took:

First, a HUGE turtle! You can't really tell from the picture, but this turtle is way bigger than both of us put together!
Here we are posing in front of the penguins:

Here are some of the penguins laying around:
This is the white alligator that we love to watch. Sometimes he loves to watch us, too!

Elly is 2!

We got to go to another birthday party the weekend after Daddy's birthday. Our cousin Elly had her second birthday and she had a big party. We love singing Happy Birthday! Thanks for inviting us to your party, Elly!

Happy, Happy Birthday!!

Daddy and Aunt Mary's birthday (they're twins, too!!) was at the end of March. We had a big party for both of them to celebrate! We didn't get pictures of everyone, but got a couple.

This is Jonathan playing with a musical card that Daddy got from Papa Tom and Nanny Connie:

Here is a picture of both of us helping Daddy and Aunt Mary blow out the candles on their cake. We even helped put the candles on their cake, too. It was so much fun!

This is Josiah with Uncle Dave. He really was happier than he looks. :)