On Sunday we went with Nana and Papa to see our new cousin, Baby Andrew. Here are two pictures that Mommy took...one with his eyes closed: And one with them open! This is the second time Mommy has gotten to see Andrew, but she forgot to take our camera the first time. We like baby Andrew, but think that his big sister Elly is more fun to play with right now. We are excited for when he gets big enough to play with us, though! How fun to have a boy cousin so close! Thanks for being a boy, Andrew!!
Mommy was trying to get us to smile and "Say Cheese" on Friday. We gave her cheese, all right! We failed to mention to her that we had already decided it was Make-A-Funny-Face-For-the-Camera Day. Mommy really wanted some nice pictures to send to our friend, Miss Rosie. What she got was a glimpse into our personalities! We love you, Rosie!!
Well, it's the first time we've hosted a sleep-over, anyway. We had to tell Mommy that boys don't have slumber parties, they have sleep-overs. Last weekend Isaac got to stay with us overnight! He cam on Friday while we were napping and didn't go home until Saturday night. We had so much fun playing together!! Here are some pictures of the things we did...you might want to check out his blog, too. Mommy took some pictures with Miss Sheri's camera, so we may be spotted over there...
We were so excited to wake up and find Isaac here! After lunch Isaac and I (Jonathan) made up a new game - call the doggie. We even called her in two languages...listen:
After eating dinner we decided to entertain ourselves while Daddy and Mommy cleaned up. Mommy, of course, got out the camera. We decided that whenever she took a picture one of us would run or look away. It was a funny game! Here's the closest she got to all three of us in one shot! Mommy tried to get both of us to smile - nope! It's silly face day!! After a while Isaac and I (Jonathan) started to play our own version of follow the leader, or maybe it was just a chasing game. Anyway, Mommy got some of it on video!
After dinner Daddy and Mommy took us all to the playground down the street (they recently realized that this one is here...after living here for 3 years). We all had tons of fun on the slides. We didn't get to climb the ladders on the playground, but we did climb the stairs. As you can see, we all insisted on wearing our hats, too.
Here's Isaac: Jonathan taking the lead: Is that Isaac and Josiah in the picture??
A Little Video Footage
Isaac coming down the slide: Jonathan is enjoying the ride! Whoa!! Let's do it again!! Hey, Isaac! Jonathan in action!
Three men in a tub! We don't know which one is the butcher, baker, or candle-stick maker, but we had fun anyway! Apparently Daddy and Mommy think that after we play outside we get dirty and need baths. We had lots of fun playing in the tub together. Here we are enjoying our pre-rinse: Daddy and Mommy washed our hair and then put spikes in it! Jonathan didn't like it so much, but I (Josiah) thought it was pretty humorous. Look at how funny they look!! Here I am trying to help Isaac rinse the shampoo out... Here's Jonathan helping: HAH! I figured it out! Isaac was a very good sport, but I think that maybe he was glad that he was sleeping in another room that night. We didn't get to all sleep in the same room like a big kids sleep-over, but it was fun anyway!
On Saturday we eased Isaac into the routine at our house:
First, we got up and got to play in Daddy and Mommy's room in our pajamas (don't ask Isaac to say that word yet...it sounds a little naughty). After we played in the morning we had waffles for breakfast - Isaac thought that they were pieces of pizza because they're shaped like pizza. We told them that it was waffle, and he ate it. He really liked the waffles! Then we ate lunch together - here we are sitting in our chairs like good boys waiting for Daddy and Mommy to come to the table: Lastly, we tried to put him to work. Daddy was doing some laundry and we were helping. I (Jonathan) kept trying to give Isaac shirts to put into the dryer, but he didn't want to do the work. I guess that's why Daddy and Mommy sent him home after just one night. We love to help, so we think they'll let us stay... We had lots of fun with you, Isaac! Hopefully we can have more sleepovers soon!!
Last week our cousins Lilly and Elly's new baby brother arrived! His name is Andrew Nicholas. We're so excited that we have a boy cousin now! Mommy went to see them last week, but she was so busy that she forgot her camera. Luckily his Mommy and Daddy sent us some pictures so we can show you how cute he is. We suppose it's ok that Mommy didn't have her camera, because he spit up all over as soon as he heard her voice. :) We're so excited to meet you, cousin Andrew! Welcome to the world, baby!
This past weekend was so busy! Mommy and Daddy let us stay with Nana and Papa overnight. We don't know why they didn't take us all over with them Saturday, but we had lots of fun anyway. We played with Nana and Papa, had an indoor picnic, and got to sleep in our fun new beds at their house. On Sunday morning we got to go and see Mr. David and Miss Karen. The last time we saw them was at the hospital when Josiah had that yucky allergic reaction. We loved that we got to be at their wedding, and Jonathan couldn't keep his eyes off Miss Karen (I don't think he realized that the wedding meant that she was taken). Here are some pics from their special day: Daddy playing with me (Josiah) at the reception: Daddy took us to the front to catch the garter. We didn't get it, but that's ok with us. Mommy says we're too young to get married anyway!
Last week at story time Miss Sheri and Isaac came in after we did. As soon as we saw her we decided we wanted to sit on her lap instead of Mommy's. As you can see from the pictures, Isaac wasn't as happy about sharing his mommy as we were! We got to play after the stories were read and the songs were sung: Isaac played with the puzzles: A cute smile from Josiah: Jonathan and Jack were playing together!
Last week Mommy and Miss Sheri took Isaac and I to play at a church play date. It was so much fun to play with all the different toys. We especially liked playing outside and 'driving' the cars. You can find some more pics of this outing on Isaac's blog!
Isaac liked the pink car: Josiah preferred the slide: And then Jonathan lost his shoe. Here is a fun video of him trying to find it. Mommy asks that you don't judge his intelligence based on this video.
After we were done Miss Sheri and Isaac had to go to Costco, so we went there to eat lunch together. When we got there we found our friend Jack! Here is a picture of the four of us boys together:
We have been going to the library for story time twice a week. Here is our first week back at the beginning of September. You can see the two of us and our friend Calb (background, black shirt, blond hair). We love story time and wish it was every day!!
Today our friend Isaac (who is 2 now!) came over to play with us. He liked climbing in the toy box as much as we do! Here are some pictures of all three of us getting in and out of the toy box.
Papa and Nana got us these AWESOME sleeping bags! Mommy and Nana set them up and we got to try them out! We pulled them all over Nana and Papa's house. We can't wait until we have our first sleepover there and get to really use them!
This past weekend was a holiday, and we're told that it's a tradition to grill on that holiday weekend. We went to Papa and Nana's on Sunday and that's exactly what we got to do! Nana let us sit up on the counter and help her make the hamburgers. Of course, Mommy took pictures:
Here we are mixing the meat: Then we made balls out of the hamburger mixture: Then we helped Nana pat them flat: The hamburgers were so yummy! Thanks for letting us help, Nana!
This is one of the things that Mommy brought home from the Dr.'s office. I (Josiah) don't like it very much. At first I thought it was a toy for me, but soon realized that it's an instrument of torture! Here I am on Daddy's lap while I get a breathing treatment: Don't I look like a big boy in this picture, holding onto the mask? I am getting used to it, and hopefully we'll be done with it completely soon!