Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

That Tickles!

I (Josiah) figured out that when my nose gets too close to the pony's mane it tickles! Here's a 4 second video clip of my discovery:

Did you hear me snort?!

Not So Tiny Bubbles

Tonight we were so messy after dinner that Grandma thought she should put us straight into the tub! While we were in there, Grandpa Michael taught Grandma that she could put soap into her hand and make big huge bubbles out of it. Grandma is a quick learner and we thought it was so funny!! Here are a couple of pictures and videos of our new favorite thing...

Grandpas and Grandmas

Today we went to Nana and Papa's house (no surprise there). While we were there Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim came to see us. We love to play with them. As you can see from this picture, Grandpa Jim lets us pull things out of his pocket just like our Papa does! Here they are reading to us:
We also got to see our Grandma Barb, Grandpa Andy and Grandma Jan, another set of Grandparents who gave us golf balls to play with, and a new set of Grandparents from Illinois who came to visit - Grandpa Michael and Grandma Kathy! They are so much fun! We are so blessed to have so many people who love us!!!

Dog Days

This is our doggie George. He thinks that this bench was made for him. Today he's right.

Vera Visit

Last week our friends Mr. and Mrs. Vera came to visit us! Mommy knows Miss Gloria from way before we were born, something like 2001. Mommy met Miss Gloria when she was in NYC after 9/11, then they were at staff training for Campus Crusade for Christ at the same time. Since then Mommy and Gloria have both gotten married, and we've come into the picture. We love Mr. Mark and Miss Gloria so much! We are so glad that they came to stay with us! We are really hoping that Daddy and Mommy take us to Orlando to visit them and then we can go to Disney World, too!!! (Hint, Hint!)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Mommy's Little Pumpkins

When we went to the Botanical Gardens we each got to bring home a pumpkin! On Sunday we got to start on the carving process. Here is our photo journey...
Mommy put newspaper ads down to protect the floors...we were a little more interested in the papers than the pumpkins initially:
Daddy put our bibs on and he and Mommy cut open the tops of the pumpkins. Then came our part. First we inspected the pumpkins:
Then we got to put our hands in and pull out the seeds!
Here we are both trying to help with the same pumpkin - teamwork!!
We really liked the squishy feeling on our fingers, and even put some of the seeds in the container Mommy had for them!

This is the final result:

We didn't get to do the carving this year, Mommy had to help us with that. Maybe next year we'll be able to help draw the faces on the pumpkins! We like pumpkin carving!!

Desert Botanical Gardens

Our trip to the Desert Botanical Gardens included seeing the actual Botanical Gardens (not just the pumpkin patch - as posted below). While we were there our friend Addie and her Mommy and Daddy found us! We didn't plan it at all, but is was so much fun to see them! We both adore Addie and hope she'll choose one of us for a boyfriend someday. :)

Here we are in our wagon (that Nana and Papa bought for us). Isn't it cool?! We loved looking at the plants and little scurrying animals, and especially the butterflies!We love Addie! She poked her head under the canopy to check us out and we both had the biggest grins on our faces for her. Our friend Isaac likes her a lot, too! Here I (Josiah) am with her.

Here she is reaching out to Jonathan.We just loved admiring her and can't wait until our mommies get us together for a playdate!

Pumpkin Patch!

Last Friday we got to go to a Pumpkin Patch! Our friend Isaac and his Daddy and Mommy took us since they have a season pass and some extra passes for us to go to the Botanical Garden (which is where the pumpkin patch was). Daddy had to work, so Grandma came with us. Here are the pictures of us at the Pumpkin Patch part of the day:

This is Josiah and Grandma on the hayride. We had to take a big wagon that was pulled by a tractor to get to where the pumpkins were. Isn't Josiah's hair funny?!Here's a picture of the front of the wagon. Mommy seems to catch strangers in funny poses. As you can see, it was a beautiful day that day! Here I (Jonathan) am trying to figure out which pumpkin I should take home... And here's Josiah looking at a couple of pumpkins that Grandma stacked up.Maybe I'll take this one...Here the adults tried to get us to sit in the pumpkin patch and take a picture. We sat, but they didn't get us all looking at the same time...
Two out of three isn't bad...
I told them they had enough chances...I wanted to explore the rest of the pumpkin patch!
There I go! Do you like my tail? It's a harness that Aunt Debbie gave to us for our birthday. At the time we thought it was great. Then we figured out that it means we have less freedom when we walk. Daddy and Mommy seem to think we need them when we go out, though.
Here's Josiah trying to pick up a pumpkin. They're heavy!!
Mommy's helping me carry my pumpkin.
There was a little petting zoo at the pumpkin patch. We really liked watching the little animals. It was lots of fun until one decided to go potty outside of the fence. YUCK!
This is Nana and Mommy and us on the hayride back to the botanical gardens.
And here's Isaac and his Daddy and Mommy - Thanks for a fun time!!

What's in There??

Last week we went on a little family adventure! We went to have a picnic by some really fun fountains and then to Cabela's (because Daddy hadn't been there before). The weather was so nice and we LOVED being in the water! Here is the photo proof...

We didn't want to be in the stroller...we were facing the water and it was just torture having to sit and wait to get in!
Daddy went and read the fountain rules. He was particularly amused with the first one:And here we are so happy. We got a little cold in the water, but that didn't stop us from having SO MUCH FUN!!!

And here's a video that Mommy took of us getting wet. It's kind of long, but worth the watch! And you'll see where the title of this post comes from...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Baby, Baby!

We would like to officially welcome two new friends into the world! First there was Graysen Titus, born to Mommy and Daddy's friends Buck and Jesseca in Iowa. We just got word today of Muiread Eryn who was born on the 16th to Mommy's friends Brandon and Jenniffer. If you click on their names you can see pictures of both of them on their blogs! Welcome to the world, friends!!

You Have a Puppy, too?!

Mommy forgot to post this story...we'll let her tell it:

A couple of weeks ago, soon after the 8:42 a.m. post, I was relating some stories to a co-worker while we were transporting a patient. We were in the elevator and I was talking about Jonathan getting stuck half way out the doggie door, and then how we have to keep certain doors shut because they love the water and will get in the doggie water or the toilets. A hospital volunteer happened to get on the elevator about this time and looked at me and said, "Oh - you have a new puppy, too?!"

No Pictures, Please

We think we've inherited some of Mommy's traits. For one thing, we look like her. Maybe she will scan in some of her baby photos and let us post them on here sometime so you can see. Another thing is that we are slow to wake up. We like to take our time and be leisurely in the morning. Here we are at breakfast this morning. We don't know why Mommy thought it was important to take a picture of us, but she did. She says it reminds her of when she was in college and a certain friend (Jolynne) would invite her to breakfast just so she could mock her openly for being so out of it at an early hour. We don't think we should go to college with Jolynne and Nate's baby just in case s/he decides that is fun to do to us, too.

Happy Birthday to...

Lilly! We had such a busy Sunday. We had church in the park to celebrate the 10th anniversary. It was so nice outside and we loved getting to run around all over. We left there and went to our Cousin Lilly's house to celebrate her 3rd birthday. There were lots of kids at her birthday party - here is a picture of us in the middle of a bunch of them...
Lilly is in this picture - wearing a pink princess outfit.
We played outside and got to jump in a big bouncer with the 'big' kids. We loved that so much! We both tried to stand up on it, but it was pretty hard with the other kids jumping. When we got home we CRASHED! Daddy and Mommy put us in our cribs for our naps (we fell asleep on the way home in the car). We didn't wake up for dinner, so Mommy came up to get us. Here is what she found:
Josiah napping with his monkey:
Jonathan napping with Josiah's blanket square! But where is his???
Oh - there it is! He had both blankies and was just hiding it.
We were so tired that we didn't even know that Mommy took these pictures. What a fun day for us! We wish that we could do this more often!

Happy Haircuts!

We finally got our hair cut again! It was getting so long that Mommy said people would start mistaking us for girls soon. We love our new haircuts and Mommy and Daddy think we look more alike now.
Aren't we little hams for the camera?! We think that there's no such thing as too cute!

Boys and Dirt

Boys and dirt go hand in hand, right? We think it's true. Last week on Monday we arrived at Nana's house to find that Grandma Jan was planting flowers in Nana's outside planters. They let us sit outside and play in the rocks and dirt while Grandma Jan finished the planting. Grandma Jan even gave us some of the plant containers to put the rocks in. It was so much fun! We are so glad that it's nice enough for us to play outside!
Here we are watching Grandma Jan plant flowers:

Josiah is showing off his great balancing skills while Jonathan puts rocks in his container.

This is so much fun...we're just enthralled with rocks and dirt!