Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sibling Rivalry

As you've seen from most of the pictures and videos, we love each other. However, we've found that we are two distinct people, and really try to assert our individuality. What that means is that we now like to fight. The other day at Nana's we decided that we both wanted to sit in the rocking chair that is big enough for only one at a time. Here were the disastrous results. (Nobody was permanently harmed in the making of this blog post.)
Josiah was in it first, and Jonathan came behind him: Jonathan will do anything to get his brother away - this time it happened to be pinching (Mommy didn't see that until she uploaded the pictures to the computer - she thought Jonathan just pulled my (Josiah) arm away.)
I (Josiah) was so troubled I just put my head down and cried.
I don't know if brother was trying to console or hold my head down.
Mommy saved me and my brother got in the chair.
Later on I got a turn and all was well.


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