Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Isaac is 1!!!

Today was our friend Isaac's birthday party! He turned one last Thursday (on our 14 month birthday). We still remember visiting him in the hospital after he was born. He had a fun party! We got there and his mommy had Pirate's Booty (as mentioned in an earlier post) for all of us to eat. His mommy got the fruity mango flavored kind. It was so yummy! It was so fun that we could all share the same snack, even Nolan!
Here's the Birthday Boy, Isaac: Isaac's cousing Nicole feeding us the snacks. Someone also got their hand in the bowl - can you tell by the floor?? Feeding frenzy!
The Pirate's Booty got cleaned up off the floor...and Nolan was left alone. :(


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