Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

First Blood

Last Wednesday (the 12th) was such a sad night...I (Josiah) was playing and pushing the chairs around like I normally do, and then I slipped on the floor. I fell forward, and hit my lip on the bar on the chair. It was so sad and I cried really hard. Mommy came and cleaned up some of the blood and made sure that my teeth were all there. Daddy cleaned up the blood from the floor. Then Nana and Papa came in because they were going to spend the evening with us. It's a good thing they came, because I needed a lot of sympathy - the kind that only a grandma can give! After Mommy got me mostly cleaned up, she took a picture of my fat lip and blood-stained shirt. Yes, you should all feel sorry for poor, little me.


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