Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Picnic at the Park

Last night we had a picnic with our multiples group (Way Out West Parents of Multiples) at the park! We got to go and splash in the splash park before we ate. It's so much more fun now that we can walk and run through the water on our own! Mommy forgot to take the camera when we first got in the water. When we went back, Jonathan was tired and didn't want to splash anymore. I (Josiah), however, kept going and going and going! Jonathan just stood here in this same spot while I ran all over the splash pad!
We had lots of fun at the picnic, but were very tired by the time everyone got there. It was too close to our bedtime. We hope that they keep doing picnics like this when we're bigger! Mommy arranged for jumpers/bouncers for the big kids and they loved them! There were lots of families there, and lots of twins and triplets. The other people in the park are probably all having their eyes checked today from seeing double all evening! :)


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