Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Day in the Life...

Here are some of our 'typical' activities in a day. First, there is learning and playing with our toys. We are learning sign language since we're not talking yet. Daddy and Mommy think it will help us to communicate with them. We don't know why they can't understand us! Along with the 'official' sign language, we've come up with our own fun gestures:
Then there's the playing with things that aren't our toys:
It looks like I (Jonathan) am squishing Josiah, but I wasn't!
Then there's just looking cute for Mommy. Our hair is kind of funny because we like to put our dirty hands in it when we're playing. Yep - we needed baths!And of course the day wouldn't be complete without some funny faces - this one courtesy of me (Jonathan).The weather is so nice now, that Mommy thought we'd enjoy a walk! Here we are before...
And here we are after. Contrary to the looks on our faces, we really do like walking in our fancy stroller!Here is a new game that we play. Mommy says she doesn't know what's so funny, but when we play it, we think it's hilarious! You can see that we talk to each other...again, we don't know why Mommy and Daddy can't understand.

And then there is playing with our doggies. We love it - even if the feeling is not always mutual...


Blogger Buck and Jess! said...

Here's my theory on the table leg game (which is extremely cute by the way :o)--the boys are happy to have found something that looks identical, just like them. No matter how many times they switch back and forth--the legs look the same! I can see how that could amuse a pair of lookalike babies :)

11:18 AM  

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