Blog of Chang
from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Two Cousins!!!
This is cousin Ellyn on our Grandma's lap. We decided we'd share our grandma just this once...
This is our cousin Lilly who is now the big sister! She decided to play dress up while we were there.
This is a picture of our cousins with their Daddy and Mommy. They said they were tired, but we think they look awfully happy anyway!
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Playing at Grandma's
"I'm perfectly innocent, Grandma!"
"Let's go in opposite directions!"
"I'm ready for a bath...bring on the water!!"
Jonathan's First Kiss??
Josiah sitting on Derek's lap while Micah reads to them.
Jonathan trying to get Madeline's attention. I (Josiah) don't think she liked it.
Jonathan trying to get his first kiss from Madeline while I (Josiah) just giggled at them!
Madeline and her Mommy Erin after she was rescued from us.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
1) Do they ever cry?
2) Do they speak Chinese?
The answer to both:
Jonathan is sitting on the side crying and in the middle Josiah says, "Baba." Josiah has been saying "MA MA" and "BA BA" over and over. In Chinese that's Mommy and Daddy.
So the answer is yes, to both! :)
Monday, April 09, 2007
Hoppy Easter!
The Easter Bunny came to Grandpa and Grandma's house instead of our house. We didn't really care that he got the address wrong - we still got our Easter baskets! They were full of fun things for us! When we came back to Grandpa and Grandma's on Saturday the Easter Bunny had hidden lots of those fun little eggs for us to find. We enjoyed finding and playing with the first three or four, but then the mystery and fun was gone.
On Sunday we went to church with Daddy and Mommy and got to play with the fun people in the nursery. That afternoon we got to go to Uncle Larry's and have Easter Dinner with him, Dave, Grandma Issy, Grandma and Grandpa, Michelle, Karen and Bernard. We were very good boys and got lots of attention.
Today Mommy took us out and we got some more things that the Easter Bunny didn't get a chance to put in our baskets. Mommy said she's one of the Easter Bunny's helpers. We think that's kind of like being one of Santa's Elves. We got bucket hats with ties that go around our chins and sunglasses! We don't know if we'll like wearing either one of those things, but Mommy and Daddy say it's important that we do. We're sure that Mommy or Daddy will take pictures of us in those and they'll appear on the blog like everything else does...
These next two pictures were taken the day after the ones above. Mommy gave us these yummy cookies that we can chew on and then they get all soggy and we can eat them and squish them through our fingers and rub them all over everything! We love them and wish she'd give them to us more often!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
A New Friend
The New Baby!
Welcome to the world, little cousin!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
9 Month Stats
Jonathan is 16 lbs. 12 oz. and 26 3/4 in. long.
Josiah is 16 lbs. 5 oz. and 26 1/2 in. long.
We are under 5% for weight and right around 5% for height. Our dreams of being basketball stars are fading fast...