Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Our first Bibs!

Here's a picture of Jonathan in his first pair of Bibs (courtesy of Patrice and Martin). Mommy was hoping that they'd be a little big now so that we can wear them when we go to the cold and snowy Northeast for cousin Chad's wedding next month. So Grandma played dress up with Jonathan. Right now we have to roll up the cuffs...probably a sign of things to come for the rest of our lives. :) However, we decided that they'll be perfect for the trip next month!

Who do we look like now??

Mommy and Daddy don't have a lot of pictures with them and us. Mommy thought maybe we should have a few of those, so here are a couple. The outfits are courtesy of the Sadler cousins in Illinois. We think we're especially cute in them! Thanks Sadlers!!

Thanks TX Changs!

Here we are at 14 weeks! We are wearing outfits that we received from Uncle Tom, Aunt Lynette, and Cousin Caedmon. Mommy tries to take pictures of us in them every time we wear them (which is a lot 'cuz she likes them so much!), but we tend to spit up on them or just be uncooperative with pictures on those days. We can't make life too easy for her!

Nice to meet you...

Our Great Aunt Peggy came all the way to Arizona (from Illinois) just to meet us! We think she may have done other things while we napped, but we're sure we were the main attraction!

3 Months

Here we are at three months. We were both on our tummies until Jonathan decided to be a camera hog and show off and turned over. He did that in the womb, too. I guess some things never change.

Where's Patrice?

Now we look like we could be triplets with Patrice!!!

Grandma was helping to get rid of our cradle cap, but got side-tracked between the brushing and washing steps.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Check out Patrice's Blog!! You'll see a familiar face (or two)...