In the Mini-Van
Yes, we've joined the ranks of mini-van driving suburbanites. Gone are the days of the two door, stick shift hatchback zipping around the streets. Minivans really don't do corners like Honda Civics. :) We really do like our new mini van and know it's a blessing from God that we were able to get it. The man that sold it to us not only gave us a great price, but had a buyer for my little Civic. It was a win-win situation!
I didn't label the pics with the boys'll just have to guess! :)
So cute!!! One note, check your instruction manual, on my graco car seat you're supposed to put the handle down/back as far as it can go when you're driving. :) Car seats are one of my soap boxes! Drives me absolutely furious to see some people driving around with their kids on their lap! UGGGG!!! Anyway, the kids are perfectly adorable. Congrats on the mini-van. No, it isn't the cute little hatchback, but they're fun in their own way.
We just got a mini-van too. I absolutly LOVE it! Especially the automatic doors. Perfect when you are lugging bags and babies. :)
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