Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Fun With Friends!

We met up with some of Daddy and Mommy's friends in Iowa. We ate at Bennigan's and Mommy let us have some of her Montecristo sandwich. She said it wasn't good for any of us, but we all ate it anyway! Our friends were lots of fun to play with. Miss Rosie showed us where a fun play area was and all of us kids played while Mommy, Daddy, Miss Rosie, Mr. Buck and Miss Jesseca watched us (and maybe they got to talk, too, but we know we're the important ones in this story).

Here we are climbing around: We think it's funny that we're moving, but Brennen must be going faster than us because he's blurry in the picture!
This is Graysen. He didn't play in the play area, but he smiled a lot at Mommy!
Here is Jonathan trying to climb up:

Mommy and Miss Jesseca were trying to get a picture of Jonathan and Caelan. Maybe you can see it from Miss Jesseca's viewpoint on
their blog:
Look - four kids in one picture! Miss Jesseca, Mommy, and Miss Rosie.
(check their blogs for more pics later)
Five kids, two funny faced Asians in the front:
Big smiles from Gabby and Caelan:
We're done with pictures:


Blogger Buck and Jess! said...

I'm so impressed you blogged before us! (I knew you would :o) Glad to report no pink eye here--woohoo! Hope your boys are on the mend!

5:42 AM  

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