Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Evening Entertainment

That evening we met up with more friends in Iowa! We met Mommy's friend Eryn and Chris and her other friend Erin. We ate at Happy Joe's and it was so good! Daddy and Mommy had taco pizza and we had Happy Joe's Special. We really liked it. But what we liked best was playing peek-a-boo with Mommy's friends! We didn't really have much to play with, so we used our straws. It's a good thing our eyes are small!!

Here is Josiah:

And here I (Jonathan) am:
And here is Chris:
(We were going to put Chris' last name on here, but then decided maybe he doesn't want everyone he knows to google him and find this picture.)

After dinner we went with Erin to see our friend Linus' grave site. It was so sad. We didn't really understand what we were doing there, but we could tell that Mommy and Miss Erin were very sad. Linus has a plaque that has Linus from Peanuts on it. We wish we could have met Linus, but we know he's waiting for us in heaven and we'll get to see him there someday.

Then we went back to see Miss Eryn and Mr. Chris' house. Mr. Chris had to go to a meeting, so we didn't get to play with him for very long. We loved their house and their doggie and their piano, though! Here are some pictures of us playing piano:

Mommy and Daddy thought we'd be so tired after that long day, but we didn't fall asleep until right before we got back to Uncle Dale and Aunt Judy's house. We sure fooled them! We had a really fun time seeing Mommy and Daddy's friends in Iowa!! Thanks for taking time to visit with us!!


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