Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Friday, January 18, 2008

A Day with Mommy

We are finally getting back to "normal" at the House of Chang. The other day Mommy had a full day alone with us and decided to take some pictures and videos for fun. We were quite entertaining on that particular day! :)

Here is Jonathan just looking cute!
This is me (Josiah) doing one of my favorite things and a new thing:
I'm watching Backyardigans (one of my favorite things), and putting a coin from our fisher price piggy bank down my shirt (a new thing). I decided on this particular day to be a human piggy bank. Mommy thought t was pretty funny...and a little strange. If you notice, I have at least one sock off and one pant leg pulled up, too. I don't mind that. I think it's a statement.

Here is a video of the coin stashing:

Jonathan wanted to be as cute, so he was blowing kisses:

(and I still had my hand down my shirt)

Then we played one of our favorite new games - climb on the ottoman, slide off, climb back get the picture. In this video I climbed up and tried to get my brother's attention:

This last video of us is after Mommy pulled my pant leg down. Jonathan wanted his pulled down, too, but it was already there! So he was trying to get Mommy's attention by kicking his leg out. We thought it was fun to do and decided to add it to our collection of dance moves!


Blogger Jess and fam said...

The last one is my favorite. I laughed out loud when you said "dance" and they started bouncing in sync! Too stinkin' cute! :o)

2:55 PM  

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