Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Shopping Trip?!

We met up with Isaac, his mommy, his auntie and his Grandma and went shopping! We didn't really go shopping - we went playing and did a little shopping in between. We really enjoyed the play area since we're getting better and climbing and running. Here are some pictures from our fun time:
Jonathan (in yellow and blue) and I (Josiah in red and blue) playing on our favorite thing there - the fire truck! Here we are inside the truck - and some other boy decided to smile for Mommy's picture, too!
Here I am on the bridge! I didn't really get up there by myself. Miss Sheri helped me to the top and then ducked down so it looks like I'm a big boy! You can see the top of Isaac's head if you look closely. :)
Here we are with Isaac. You can just barely see Jonathan's head in this picture.


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