Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Lillian and Chloe

This is Lillian and Chloe.

Lillian just turned one last week, and last time she visited our house she was excited to meet Chloe, but a little overwhelmed by Chloe's energy. Now that Lilly is able to stand and walk, she is having more fun with the dog! She would look at Chloe, giggle, and then try to follow her around. Unfortunately, Chloe was still a little over-zealous in her reception. So it was off to a time-out for her. That didn't stop Lilly, though! As soon as she was on the floor, she was running for the dog. As Chloe sat in her area, sad and dejected, Lilly sat outside and eyed her forbidden playmate.


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