Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Monday, August 09, 2010

Swimming Time!!!!

Well, the weather warmed up, so that meant one thing for us...Swimming Time! We got to get back in the water with our favorite swimming teacher, Miss Heather. We did great this year! We were unsure when we started (like always). We did great in the water and remembered everything we were supposed to, but we were just shy getting in. One day Mommy asked who was going first. We decided neither of us wanted to go, so we made Elijah go first! Ha! Mommy put a stop to that real quick, though, and we all had to take turns. By the end we were begging to go first! Here are some pictures from the beginning lessons this summer.
Josiah getting ready to go to the bar:
Josiah jumping off the stairs to swim to Miss Heather (can you tell he was excited?!):

Jonathan after one of his first swims that day:

Jonathan getting ready to swim to the bar:
Elijah floating! He learned how to turn over so his face was up and how to float on his back. He did a great job. You can see in this picture he would get on his back and then stiffen his legs. By the end of his lessons he was floating like a pro - all relaxed!



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