Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Pool Pics

Here are the pictures of us swimming today! Our instructor, Miss Cari, is leaving us to go and teach other kids how to swim, so today was our last day with her. We got a special treat and got to swim with both Miss Cari and Miss Heather! It was so much fun. We decided on the way to the lessons that we wanted to swim today. I (Jonathan) ran to the pool and jumped right into Miss Cari's arms! You can see in the pictures and videos we both did great today, and we both smiled through our lessons. Miss Cari was so proud of us! So were Mommy and Daddy!!

Here I (Jonathan) am with Miss Cari. I was so excited to jump in and swim to Miss Heather...and then back to Miss Cari!
Here is Josiah and Miss Cari. He's even smiling about it, too!This is Josiah after he swam to the bar. Every time he made it to the bar he'd pull himself up and grin!This is why Daddy and Mommy are making us take lessons. They think that one of us might fall in or something. I don't know where they get that idea...I was just playing with Squirt, Miss Heather's turtle and he wanted to swim!


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