Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Friday, June 06, 2008

Day 12 Josiah

Today was our 12th swimming lesson. Mommy and Daddy say that they're proud of us and are surprised at how much we've learned in only a few lessons. We still cry through our lessons, but mostly to see if someone will rescue us. It's hard work!!

Here I (Josiah) am with Miss Cari. I pretend like I don't want to get in, but I still do everything she tells me to. I even give her smiles before and after lessons!

Here is my video of today's lesson. Notice in the first part I'm a multi-tasker. I'm floating, signing, and saying, "All Done!" at the same time. The next part is me flipping and swimming to the bar.


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