Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The other morning Daddy and Mommy let us have cereal with milk for breakfast. They also let us eat with only our diapers on! It was great! Here are some of the pictures Mommy took (we don't know why she always has the camera attached to her arm...)

Jonathan: "How did that Cheerio get stuck on my chest?!" Josiah: "You want me to actually use the spoon?"
Jonathan: "You're right, Josiah. The spoon is way over-rated!"Josiah: "Guess what's in my hand, Mommy!"
Jonathan: "That was so funny, Josiah!"
Josiah: "Ok, I'll try the spoon again. Here I go!!"


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