Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Who Let the Dogs Out

We discovered the answer to this age-old question:

This past weekend one of us watched Daddy latch the doggie crate when he put George in. A few minutes later George was out running around and Mommy and Daddy realized neither of them had let him out! Later on Daddy watched as Jonathan took the top latch and I (Josiah) took the bottom latch to free the doggie. We are figuring out that we can accomplish more when we work together!


Blogger Buck and Jess! said...

Could you please tell your children to stop getting bigger until I can meet them? I mean this working together to free caged animals thing . . . are they supposed to be able to do things like that as babies? Glad to see Mark's graduation went well (how did he like our card? :o) Are you bringing your babies back for the Iowa State Fair? It's a childhood event no Chang baby should miss! :o)

1:08 PM  

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