Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Swimmin' Hole!

Ok, so it's not really a "hole," but it is so much fun!!! Grandma and Grandpa bought us our very own pool to play in while we're at their house. It's pretty warm here in AZ, so we've been in it twice already! Here are some pictures of the first time we went in. We were supposed to wait until later in the afternoon, but Grandpa took one of us out and put our feet in it. Then he and Grandma decided we should just strip down to our diapers and go full force in! They put us on the ground and let us climb in the side, so that they could tell Mommy and Daddy that they didn't put us in, that we did it ourselves. They're pretty tricky, huh?

Here is Jonathan as he first got in...he was the first!Here's Josiah and Grandma's legs...He decided he needed to test out the water first.
As you can see, the diapers came off (we don't have swim diapers yet), and Grandma started blowing bubbles for us!

More bubbles...
This is Jonathan with Grandma after we got out of the pool. That was so much fun! I'm tired!
Here's Josiah afterward. I was so tired, too. Swimming is a lot of work!


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