Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Monday, January 15, 2007


This was my almost official time for the half marathon. If you take away the 10 minutes that we had to wait for a porta-potty, it's 3:36:43. Though our goal was only to finish, I was really hoping that we wouldn't finish last. :) The bad news: 18,468 people finished the 1/2 marathon before us. The good news is that 1,717 people finished after us! We pretty much kept on pace with our 'practice' times of 15 minute miles for the first 8 miles. After that they started to get longer. The last mile that I actually checked the time on we did in 18 minutes. What an accomplishmet!! I'm still sore from the walk, but the pain is getting less and less. Except for on the stairs. And when I bend down to pick up a baby. And when I get on the floor to play with the babies. And when I walk too fast. And when I don't move enough.


Blogger Patrice & Martin said...

Congratulations, now treat yourself to a massage and some time in a jacuzzi for those sore muscles.

10:49 AM  

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