Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

February Fun!

Here are some fun pictures of us from February. We're a lot behind on posting on our blog, so we're trying to catch up, starting with the beginning of the year!

To start off, here is Elijah, just chillin' and trying to not get into trouble. :)And here he is with Mommy: Oops - that part about not getting into trouble didn't last long! Yep - he found the cabinets in the bathroom and pulled as much out as he could. If you ask him, he was just thirsty and wanted the cup. :)

We definitely weren't getting into trouble at the same time, though. We were just being creative with the post-it notes that we got for Christmas. For a while we decided to leave little 'love notes' all over the house for Mommy and Daddy.

And here is Baby E again. He likes meal times...mostly to make messes!

And funny faces...

And here I (Josiah) am...

And who could ever forget Jonathan?!

In February some of Nanny and Papa's friends came to visit. They have visited a few times, but we didn't really remember them. This is Myrl and Linda and they are so much fun...probably because they are grandparents, too!



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