Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nolan is 1!!

Our friend Nolan turned 1 last week! We got to go to his birthday party and play with him and our friend Isaac. Here are some pictures from Nolan's big day...
The adults tried to get us all to sit on a bench together. As you can see, it didn't work out so well. There is Isaac, Nolan, Josiah and Jonathan and then our friend Isabella is sitting on the ground. She was the only girl our age there, but she didn't seem to mind. However, a moment after Mommy took this picture Nolan ended up on the ground with her. Then we was really not happy about the adults' big idea!

The last pictures are of Nolan and his cake. He wasn't sure of what to do with is (kind of like I - Josiah - was at my party). He got the hang of it, though! I was really interested in the whole thing...I think I'd like another chance at a cake like that!


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