Blog of Chang

from the computer of chang in the den of chang in the house of chang which belongs to the chang(s)

Friday, June 29, 2007

Bath Day!

Last week we did a lot of things to get ready for our company this week! One of the things that Mommy and Daddy did was to give the doggies a bath. George did ok, and Chloe wasn't half bad. Mommy wrapped Chloe in a towel to dry her off. Chloe, however, didn't like it. She just stood in the same position until Daddy rescued her - Daddy and Mommy just laughed because they've never seen her do that! Here is the photo proof:
George is resigned to being penned in the hallway. At least he has his bed!

Dog in a blanket?? Chloe doesn't know what to do...


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